𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞

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The party was only a block away it was completely filled with people. Everyone from 6th to 8th grade was there. Loud music was playing in the living room. There was a crowd of boys arm wrestling and throwing themselves off of the couch.

"This looks... fun," Stanley said with a fake smile which made Y/n giggle.

"Hey t-there," Bill said as he walked up to Y/n and Stanley.

"Hey Bill," Stan said relieved to see one of their friends at the party. "Who else is here?"

"Ya we're j-just w-waiting for Eddie," he said with a smile. Y/n peeked over to see Richie chugging down on a canned beverage of some sort.


"Hey there," Beverly said linking Y/n arm. "Wow, you guys look great!" 

"Have any of you guys seen Greta?" Stanley asked.

"Eh no," Mike said peeking over his shoulders.

Just then Richie ran to the front door passed the other Losers. "Dude come on in your missing out on all of the fun!"  Eddie walked through the door with a stern expression on his face.

"Do you know what lies I told my mother just to be here? DON'T-DON'T RUSH ME!" He exclaimed as Richie pulled him into the house.

"Now that we're all here," Richie said mischievously. "I've got something for us to do."

The gang went downstairs to the basement to see kids drinking, couples making out and playing spin the bottle.

"Who wants to play?" Richie asked

"I d-don't think-"

"Ya come on guys!" Richie said cutting Bill off as he grabbed the bottle and sat down slowly the gang gave in and sat down for a game.

"I'll go first," Richie said as he aggressively spun the bottle. They all watched with anticipation as the bottle twirled around.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Eddie screeched as he stared at the bottle that was now pointing at him.

The whole gang busted out into laughter. "Pucker up sweetie," Richie said as he leaned in.

"On the cheek!" Eddie demanded as he crawled to him.

"Obviously," Rich said as he turned his face. Eddie scrunched up his face and puckered his lips he the dove in to kiss Richie. Once Richie knew he was close enough he turned his face so Eddie could kiss his lips. The gang roared with laughter as Eddie jumped back.

"DUDE!" Eddie said with pink cheeks.

"What? Don't pretend you didn't like it," Richie said seductively as he sat back down.

"Alright my turn," Bev said as she spun the bottle. "Please don't let it be Richie," she joked. Ben stared with anticipation at Beverly praying that the bottle would land on him. 

"Oh, Stutter boy is about to get kissed!" Richie laughed. Ben looked down to see the bottled had laned on Bill.

Bill nervously crawled up to Beverly. Bev's cheeks were now burning. She then closed her eyes and kissed Bill. The gang made howling noises until they pulled apart. Y/n and Stanley crossed their fingers hoping that they would get a chance to kiss one another. 

"You're up next Y/n!" Eddie chuckled.

"Go on Y/n! You have a go," Beverly said as she handed her the bottle. Y/n grabbed the bottle nervously she had never kissed anybody in her life and the last thing she would want to to have Richie as a first kiss. Y/n looked at a red-faced Stanley.

"Alright... here I go," Y/n said as she set the bottle on the carpet floor and spun it as hard as she could.

'Please let it be Stanley, please let it be Stanley, please let it be Stanley!'

She closed her eyes in fear of who it would land on when all of a sudden she heard the gang say; "ohhh!" Y/n opened her eyes to see that it had landed on Mike who had been sitting right across to her. Mike looked down bashfully as he awkwardly rubbed his knees.

She looked back at Stanley to see his a face completely stunned. Y/n didn't know what to do everyone stared at her wondering what she was going to do. 

"Hey rules are rules you have to do it," Richie said leaning back. "Kiss him."

Y/n looked back at again at Stanley hoping he was going to say something or do something but he narrowed his brow and was staring at Mike. Y/n slowly got to her knees and crawled to where Mike was sitting.

Once she got close Mike whispered, "It's okay you don't have to do this," he said sincerely.

Y/n was so relieved she then slowly leaned back and smiled at Mike. "Thank you."She then looked back to see Stanley was no longer was there but neither was Bev.


ʟ ᴏ ꜱ ᴇ ʀ

Stanley burst into the living room to see 8th graders drinking like dogs on a hot summer day. He was absolutely furious. How could Y/n kiss him? They came to the party together, maybe they weren't a couple but he thought they were getting to that, he thought Mike was his friend. 

He wanted to kick Mike's ass, he paced around the room hoping that he would soon cool down but he didn't instead he felt even more anger.

"Stanley Uris? What are you doing here?" An unfamiliar voice called out to him Stanley hesitantly turned around to see one of Greta's friends who looked complete wasted.

"Oh hi Sue," he said shakily. Her red hair was messed up her eye makeup looked smudged

"I've got to go home," Stanley said walking past her.

"Wait wait," she said as she seized his forearm. "Let's talk for a sec," she said in a seductive voice.

"I can't," Stanley said as he tried to slip away but she kept her grip.

"I have to tell you something," she said as she grabbed her other arm and started to pull him in. "Greta an asswipe, she's a total bitch," she slurred, Stanley looked down at her confused.

"But I think you're so hot," she said breathing on him.

"Okay thanks," Stanley said as he tried to break away from the obviously inebriated girl.

"I've liked you for so long but Greta told me to stay away from you but y' know what? Fuck her!" Sue said as she grabbed Stanley's shirt.

"Sue?! Hey-WAIT!" Stanley said as Sue pulled him into a nearby closet. "What are you doing?!"

"7 minutes in heaven," she said as she wrapped her arms Stanley neck. He then remembered how Y/n had held him like that but it didn't feel the same. Instead of being wrapped in Y/n's warm and caring arms he was wrapped around a lanky and sweaty grip.

"Let go- Sue let go of me!"

Stanley Uris x Reader - Compassionate PeopleWhere stories live. Discover now