𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐀𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞

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Warning: This chapter will contain Offensive subject manner eg. Rape.

Y/n took the bus home and walked to the bridge to find Stanley waiting he was leaning against the bridge with his arms crossed.

"Hey," Y/n said softly.

Stan sprung up in surprise. "Hey! H-hi you," he said awkwardly. "Um, you look pretty today."

Y/n tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thanks, you look nice too," she said a she got closer. Stan got up from leaning on the bridge and got closer to Y/n.

 "Listen I was thinking about yesterday- I am so sorry Y/n I shouldn't have-"

"No no I'm the one who should be apologizing Stan," Y/n cut him off. "I'm sorry about slamming the door in your face it's just that- I panicked. I still haven't had my first kiss," Y/n said as looked at the ground.

"Well me neither," Stanley said embarrassed. Y/n looked up to see Stanley's red face, he looked so innocent and cute at the same time. His golden eyes slowly looking up at her. 

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh! No, it's nothing it's just that-" Y/n could feel her heartbeat in her ears. "I usually fall for boys who have absolutely no interested in me and I really don't-" Y/n stopped herself before she could expose herself any more she looked down and held herself.

"You don't what?" Stanley asked as he tried to look her in the eye.

"-I really don't want to mess this up with you, if that makes any sense?"

"Ya, I t-totally understand," Stanley said taking Y/n hand, Y/n smiled.

"I really wanted to kiss you though," Y/n said softly. Stanley's eyes lit up he slowly leaned in to kiss Y/n when all of a sudden he heard a voice call out his name.

"Stanley Uris...the fuckin' Jew, what do you think your doing with my girl," the voice said. Stanley turned around to see who it was.

"Bowers," Stanley whispered.

"That boy waited at my locker and tried hitting on me before," Y/n whispered back at Y/n.

"You're fuckin' dead Uris," Stanley said

Stanley aggressively grabbed Y/n by the shoulders.

"Listen to me you gotta get out of here do you understand? Run home right now," Stanley said nervously.

"Wha- no I'm not leaving you," Y/n said looking up at a worried Stan.

"Y/n this is not up for debate this guy won't take it easy on you, you need to leave now!" Stanley said he really didn't want Y/n to be in this position. He knew Henry and he knew how much of a troubled and dangerous kid he was. "I'll meet you at your house- now go!" Stan said as he nudged Y/n away.

Y/n didn't know what to do. She wanted to stay with Stanley but he made it clear that he wanted her safe.

"Okay," Y/n whispered to Stanley. She slipped down the bridge. Y/n turn to run but just then she ran right into someone. It was one of Henry Bower's friend's.

"Going somewhere?" The boy whispered as he wrapped her own arms around her perverted Y/n to move.

"Let go of me!" Y/n yelled as she tried to break free.

"HENRY I'VE GOT HER," The boy yelled out. He dragged Y/n back to the bridge. Y/n came back to see Stanley be beaten by Henry and his other friend. Stanley got a couple of hits in but he was never much of a fighter. It was two against one so the odds weren't in Stanley's favour.

"Look who we've got Stanley," Bowers said as he grabbed Stanley hair. He yanked his head up and pointed it to the direction to where Y/n was. She looked helpless trying to fight a boy who was twice her size.

"Bowers-" Stanley said grinding his teeth. "Leave her alone."

The boy brought Y/n closer to Henry. Bowers winked at Stanley and walked up to Y/n. The boy threw Y/n to Henry, Y/n tried to run to Stanley but Henry grabbed her wrist and twirled her back around.

"Whoa, what do you think your doin'?" Bowers said.

"LEAVER HER THE FUCK ALONE!" Standley yelled out he tried to get to Y/n but was soon punched in the stomach by one of Bower's friend.

Henry just laughed and looked back at Y/n, Y/n spit in his face. "You fucking bitch!" Henry said as he slapped her across the face he then tripped Y/n. Y/n feel straight into her back. Henry slowly climbed on top of Y/n and began to unbuckle his belt. He looked back at Stanley who was being beaten by his friends.

"Hey stop that, I want him to see this," Henry said as he looked back at Y/n who was still dazed from her fall. She straightened her gaze to see Bowers unbuttoning her dress and revealing her chest, he began to lift the bottom of her dress up. Stanley screamed out Y/n name and tried to fight off Bowers friends but couldn't they were too big

Y/n panicked and tried to break free from his grip but couldn't he was putting all his pressure on her wrist so she wouldn't get up.

"LET GO- LET ME GO," Y/n yelled out in hope that Bowers would listen. He began to tug onto her undergarments.

Stanley had to do something. These boys were all brawn and no brains so Stanley knew to think his way out of the situation. He looked at the empty path and loudly yelled out.

"Oh fuck- the cops," even though there were no one there. The two boys whipped their heads around to look for the officers. Now was Stanley's chance he broke free from the boy's gripes and sprung up to Bowers.

Stanley grabbed a nearby rock and slammed the side of Henry's head. Henry Bowers fell down in defeat however his friend's caught up to Stan. One grabbed Stanley and the other rammed his fists into his face. Y/n quickly pushed Henry's unconscious body off of her and kicked one of the boys in the balls as hard as she could. Stanley then tripped the other boy and climbed on top of his and began to punch his face.

"STANLEY WE'VE GOTTA GO!" Y/n yelled out. Stanley grabbed Y/n by the hand and raced to his bike. She quickly hopped onto his bike as he peddled his hardest.

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Stanley had biked Y/n home. Y/n got off the bike and walked to see the results of Stanley's face. Stanley tried to turn so she wouldn't see but Y/n lightly grabbed his cheek to see. His face was covered with bruises and cuts. Stanley aggressive moved away from Y/n touch.

"I don't think you should hang out with us- me. It's all my fault you got hurt I-I'm the one who brought you to that stupid place!" Stanley said as he gripped the handles of his bike.

"That was not your fault Stanley," Y/n explained. "None of what just happened was your fault."

Stanley got off his bike and kicked it to the floor in rage. He then ran his hands through his curls and looked back at Y/n. He saw that her dress was still unbuttoned he slowly walked up to her and began to button up her dress.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry," he whispered as he finishes buttoning up Y/n's dress. He looked up to see her crying. Stanley's eyes widened and pulled Y/n into a hug.

"Hey hey, please don't cry- I'm so sorry Y/n," he said as he felt a Y/n arms wrapped around his waist.

"Please don't leave me alone, please spend the night with me Stanley I-I don't wanna be alone," Y/n whispered through her tears.

"I'm not going anywhere," Stanley said as he rested his chin on Y/n's head.

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