𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Y/n and Stanley quietly sneaked into her house.

"Hello? Papa- you home?" There was no answer. Y/n walked into the kitchen to find a note with her papa's messy handwriting.

Y/n, your sister just went into labour! She's had a minor complication nothing to worry about but I want to be there for her, I'm going to stay with her for 2 weeks. I wanted you to come with me Jellybean but seeing that you weren't around for the news I couldn't bring you. It was a pack n' go kind of situation. I'll be home soon.

Love Papa.

"Is everything alright?" Stanley asked as he saw Y/n read the note.

"Ya," Y/n said quietly. She then explained to Stan what was in the letter. "Look's like I've got the house to myself," Y/n said gesturing to the big empty house. She looked over at Stanley bruised face and lightly grabbed him by the hand.

"Come on let's go get cleaned up." She took him upstairs into the bathroom where she grabbed a damp face cloth to clean Stanley's face. His face had dirt and bruises, he also had a little cut on his lip. Stanley sat on the rim of the tub while Y/n lightly dabbed his lip with the face cloth.

"Does it hurt?" Y/n whispered.

"Hm- no no, I'm okay," Stanley whispered back. He slowly reached his hand out to touch Y/n neck. It was all red from when Bowers choked her.

"Does yours hurt?" He asked looking up at her.

"-Only when I raise my voice," she said honestly.

"I shouldn't have brought you there Y/n, I'm sorry," Stan said as he still lightly rubbed the red mark on her neck with his thumb.

"Stanley, it wasn't your fault," Y/n said as she took his hand.

"But you still got hurt- it could've gone way worse than it actually did, he could've raped-" Y/n jumped at the word. "He was going to do it and I-I couldn't help you," Stanley said as he stood up. "I saw him touch you... and hearing you call out my name made me want to kill him," Stan said as he formed his hands into fists. "I tried to break free Y/n, I wanted to save you."

"But you did-"

"Not in time!" Stan said frowning. "He still touched you." Y/n grabbed Stan's waisted and pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his bruises sore arms around Y/n. After Y/n finished cleaning Stan's wounds Stan called his parents to tell them that he'd be sleeping over at "Bill's" house.

Y/n took a shower while Stan was talking on the phone with his parents. After he finished he didn't know what to do. He sat on Y/n's bed waiting for her to finish when all of a sudden he heard Y/n voice coming down the hall. She was singing in the shower. Stanley slowly walked to the door and leaned against the frame so he could listen to her voice. She sang the words to a soft melody which was soon broken with the sound of her gently crying. Stan frown and placed his head on the door. He walked down the halls of Y/n's house to explore while he waited. Y/n got out of the shower wearing a pink fluffy robe and was drying her hair off on a towel.

"Stan...Stanley?" Y/n called out in the empty home. She looked in her bedroom to see him looking at the picture of Y/n and her sister.

"Oh- I was eh," he said embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his neck. His face busted a vibrant red shade as he saw his new crush in a pink fluffy bathrobe. He thought she looked so cute. "Um hey is it alright if I take a shower?" Stan asked.

"Um ya absolutely," Y/n said wide-eyed. Stan awkwardly nodded and walk into the bathroom. Y/n smiled at her rose and smelt it she got dressed and sat in front of her vanity. Y/n looked at herself in the mirror her face was completely glowing. Her eyes then trailed down to her neck. It wasn't as bad as before but it was still noticeable. Y/n grabbed her brush and began to brush her damp hair.

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