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"Richie?! What are you doing here?" Stan said from on the roof.

"Come down there's something I gotta tell you guys!" Richie yelled from his bike. Stanley and Y/n shared a look as they climbed back into the house. What could Richie possibly want? Whatever it was it couldn't be good.

Y/n opened the door to find Y/n wearing her painting outfit which included her short shorts. "Whoa sexy legs you got there mama," Richie said as he adjusted his glasses.

"Don't make me steal your glasses," Y/n said with a tired expression as she looked at the goofy boy.

Stanley soon came to the door. "What's up?" He asked as he opened the door fully.

"What the heck is this?" Richie asked peeping inside the house. "Are you guys living together or something-"

"What did you want Richie?" Stanley said cutting Richie off.

"Wanna crash a party?" They were all silent for a moment.

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"Crash a party- who's party?" Stanley asked confused.

"Greta," Richie said with a mischievous grin. "It's her 13th birthday and trust me we're the last people she'd wanna see."

"Then why are you going?" Y/n asked as she leaned on the door frame.

"Because first of all; it's going to be a teen party and second; she's gonna flip when she sees us," Richie said as he snapped his fingers in a gun like way.

"That's so stupid!" Stanley said squinting at him.

"I'm in," Y/n said with a grin.

"Wait- what?!" Stanley said surprised.

"What? I think it'll be fun, besides I've never been to a real party," Y/n said. "Come on."

"Ya come on Stanley-the-man," Richie said as he playfully punched Stanley's arms. "Eh it's up to you'z two you guy's can suck each other faces in private or suck each other's faces in public," Richie said as he walked toward his bike. "It's starts at 6!" He yelled out from pedalling away.

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"I dunno," Stanley said honestly.

"Oh come on it'll be fun!" Y/n said convincingly as she sat cross-legged on her bed as Stanley slowly paced around the room. "We can dance... drink... just be kids," she said raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know how to dance," Stanley said honestly.

"That just one thing-"

"What if something happened?" Stanley said paranoid. "What if Henry Bowers is at that party?" He asked walking up to her.

"Well you'll just have to come along to protect me," Y/n said.

"Y/n I'm serious-"

"So am I... he won't be there," Y/n said kneeling on her bed.

"But what if he is?" Stanley asked anxiously. "What if I can't protect you this time?" He asked as he stood in front of her.

"He won't... I'm more scared if Greta finds us," Y/n joked. Stanley looked down worriedly.

"If you don't want to go we don't have to," Y/n said as she slowly wrapped her arms around the back of Stanley's neck.

Stanley saw the want in her eyes and gave in. "Okay... let's go."

Y/n gave out a little squeak as she slightly hopped on her bed while being on her knees Stanley smiled when he saw her.


Stanley Uris x Reader - Compassionate PeopleWhere stories live. Discover now