One || Decision

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 You were battered, bruised, and practically having to carry Tanya towards the sewers. Her leg had been broken in your latest fight. Casey went down through the manhole cover first, and just as you lowered her down, something whizzed past your ear. Looking up, you saw a large mass of webbing, you turned ready to fight, but paused.

The battle was one of the worst ones yet, the boys were bloodied, bruised, and still fighting. Refusing to give up. Donnie and Leo with the worst of it, yet still with the most energy.

"Guys!" you shout, but they don't take their eyes off the spider woman in the construction site, Mikey and Raph run towards you and jump down the entrance to the sewers, but the two idiot twins continue the fight.

"You aren't gonna win this, let's go!"

Donnie relents, and follows in his brother's footsteps. Another one safe inside the caverns to their home.

Leo, the only one left fighting the Yōkai. The woman bats away one of his katana, and it skids to a halt before your feet. He was going to get himself killed if he kept this up. You lift the weapon up, taking a deep breath and slicing it through the air. Running through the portal, tackling Leo, opening another, and finally landing the two of you in the sewers.

He sighs, standing up and brushing himself off. Anger on his face.

"Are you hurt?" You question, he shakes his head. Anger writhes inside you. You grab him by the strap that holds his katana on his back, and pull him close, your faces are almost touching. You're absolutely furious and the look of fear in his eyes makes it so you know that he can tell.

"Don't you ever fucking do that again."

You let go of his belt, and brush yourself off, handing him his Katana. You walk side by side in silence, the only sound the quiet rushing of the sewers waste beside you. The smell was gag worthy, but you'd grown used to it over months of traversing the tunnels underneath New York.

"I don't understand why you're so upset."

"Because you're-" You pause, letting your anger fall, there wasn't much point in being upset. He was safe. He was an aggravating mess. But he was safe nonetheless. "You're the leader Leo. You can't go off and be irrational. Because if you go down, we all go down with you."

"Didn't stop you tonight." He jokes, a hint of laughter in his voice, you just sigh in response. Suddenly remembering something.

"Fuck, Tanya's leg."

Leo hurriedly conjures a portal into the infirmary, where you spent most of your time, and immediately you hurried to Tanya's side, she wasn't wailing, she wasn't screaming, she was just taking deep breaths, her eyes shut tight and tears rolling down her face.

"Sorry Tan." You mumble, closing your eyes as your hands hover above the leg, the bone had been shattered, as you suspected, she was thrown against a wall and her right leg had hit a dumpster instead of said wall.

You take a breath, focus your energy on the shattered bone beneath layers of skin and muscle, and when you open your eyes, you're happy to see Tanya's breathing has become less forced. You stumble a little, waving off the arms ready to catch you. Turning to the turtles lined up in the chairs you had placed in the room. This was your space, the infirmary was where they came when they ended wounds healed. This is where you practiced with kitchen cuts and skateboard bruises.

You looked over Casey and April first, both sustaining gashes from debris on the site. You healed those easier than a shattered leg. But it still took a lot out of you. Mikey, only coming out of the battle with a few cuts and a minor burn from some equipment one of Big Mama's henchmen had set on fire. You treated the burn with some burn ointment. Before moving onto Donnie and Leo, bruised, cut up, but nothing broken. You sigh, hovering your hands over the bruises and cuts, healing them with ease. When your job was done, you sighed, sat down on the last open chair. Rested your head on your hand, and promptly fell asleep.

It takes a lot out of a person to have to heal a broken leg, cuts, a burn, and various bruises.

Everyone's mystic powers came with a detriment. Leo's left him dizzy after exiting the portal, Mikey's was difficult to handle and could take him off balance. Donnie's, though utterly amazing, was difficult to manage and conjure, while Raphs was bigger or smaller depending on how he felt, and frequently caused debris to fall.

They all watched as you fell into a deep sleep. Tanya, sighing and closing her eyes.

"Do we really think they can keep doing this? I mean..." She stands, grabbing some gauze off the table. Leaning down to bandage a cut on your leg. "They're gonna kill themself trying to save us."

Leo begins, "They don't train-"

You gasp suddenly and look down at Tanya, holding onto the arms of the chair. Smiling at her, nodding.

"You're right." you yawn a little, stretching your arms and standing. "Hey Tan, can I take you up on that offer of an apartment?"

She gives you a bewildered look, before standing to meet you and nodding, wrapping you in a bone crushing hug. You give everyone a kind smile, a few nods. Everyone but Leo. You refuse to look at him as you walk away, as you exit the lair.

You kick stones on your way through New York. Maybe Leo was right, you didn't train, you didn't have many skills, you weren't a particularly valuable asset, and they already had human friends they could fight with that were more than capable.

You sigh, unlocking the apartment that Tanya had been paying the rent for for ages. Waiting for you to show up. Waiting for a version of you that you couldn't recognize.

Nothing lines the floor of this apartment, nothing sits in the fridge, the rooms are empty. You slide down the door, closing your eyes. You fall asleep, just like that. Sadness consumes you bit by bit.

Maybe you were a late bloomer when it came to this whole ordeal, but whatever the case, were you really cut out for this? For any of it?

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