Nine || Flowers

319 7 13

The next day, you left the apartment early to try and figure your life out. Specifically trying to figure your life with Leo out. Why had it all gone so wrong? Was it mostly Leo's fault or were you to blame?

You admit that sending him back home wasn't your best decision. But you had warned him. You told him that in the heat of the moment people make mistakes. You still hadn't told him about Gladius, but would it help if you did? Would he understand if you told him you lost your mom? Or would that just make him angrier?

Maybe working for Big Mama was too hard a blow, but he knows your reasoning. None of them had ever gotten onto you for being too protective of them and doing what was best in your opinion for them.

Anyway you put it this felt like you were trying to move water fifty yards with nothing but your cupped hands. Pointless, stupid, and it just. Kept. slipping.

Why is he still so mad at you?

You know why you're mad at him. He hadn't changed. The first thing he had said to you was rude and angry. He'd said he'd let you have this, have what you wanted.

But why was he mad?

All you'd wanted to do was protect him, that big idiot.

You sigh, looking up, a small teal shop, some of the paint chipping away from its frame, stands in front of you. Tin buckets of flowers line the walls outside, there's even a cart loaded to the brim with all sorts of assortments of flowers sitting on the curb.

You enter the little shop and a small brass bell above the door rings, signifying your entry.

"Wow that's a gorgeous Lobelia you have behind your ear!"

"Lobelia?" You question walking further into the shop, pushing past more carts of flowers to find a teal counter with such a contrasting figure standing there that you think you got a bit of whiplash. There stood the clerk, bright pink hair, silver snake-bites, septum and nose piercings, gauges, and dark makeup. They wore a black beanie with a small flower patch at the front, black overalls with an acid washed tank top underneath, alongside black and white striped fingerless gloves.

"Yeah! I've never seen one so blue before, they're typically violet here..."

You hand them the flower and they look over it.

"Did you make this?"

You shake your head. Looking it over.

"It showed up with a note for me one day, I guess I didn't even realize I put it on today."

"Must've instinctively done it to accessorize, you're wearing quite a bit of blue. It looks good on you. You look kinda like the ocean."

You chuckle a little.

"So! What brings you in today?"

"I don't know... me and a..." You trail off, how even would you describe you and Leo's relationship?

"It's complicated?" they guessed, and you nod.

"You got into a fight, probably fighting for a while, wanna apologize?"

"Or at least make it less awkward, his family has to stay at my place for who knows how long while theirs undergoes renovations."

They nod, tsking their tongue. Over and over. Before nodding.

"I got you. Gimme a few seconds."

They rush around, shaking their head or rolling their eyes occasionally. Before finally returning with a small bouquet of blue hyacinths and lily of the valley's. You look at the small arrangement, nodding. It seems to fit. Baby Blue and Neon Leon.

Flowers || Rottmnt!LeoWhere stories live. Discover now