Promises We'll Keep

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 Happy Valentines Day 2024, Lovlies! Whether you're single or not, here's a oneshot to make today just a little better!


You look up from the arena beneath your feet, and smile as you walk towards the exit. Leo up against a bunch of snapping camera flares. In all his humanoid glory.

You'd bought the boys some cloaking brooches for the human world. Leo was still the same as when you fought against each other in this very ring.

"You really beat your opponent into the ground."

You wipe some of the sweat from your brow, grinning at him. That was actually quite a challenging fight, you drew some blood from your opponent. It was harsh against your skin, like a reminder of the life you lived. You quite enjoyed it if you were being honest.

You accept the rag one of your body guards offers you, and wipe your brow using it, and then remove the blood from your hand. The cameras of Yōkai snap besides you. You crouch down at a line of small children, you smile. You always signed autographs for little kids. The sparkle in their eye's something that fueled you to get out of bed every morning.

When you were done, Leo smiled, taking your hand. Before dipping you into a kiss. You roll your eyes, kissing him back. This was gonna be all over the news.

"Care to hit the town with me tonight?"

You grin, nodding as he sets you upright, looping his arm around your waist.


He chuckles and conjures his katana seemingly from thin air, slashing it through the air and walking you both through the blue portal. You look down at your outfit, still in the same blue jumpsuit and leather jacket.

Leo can't take his eyes off you, practically glowing in the moonlight. This was your element, more so than it would ever be his.

He may have spent his life in the company of the moon. But you had lived your life in it. It only proved his point that the shadows accented your scars so beautifully, and the stars lit your pale white eye and its twin, practically twinkling in the light of the stars...

You chuckle as Leo seems to just drink you in.

"Well, Romeo. You're certainly gonna make it into Yōkai news."

He snaps out of his trance, and a large grin washes over his face.

"I didn't know my partner was such a famous battle nexus warrior. Maybe I could get

Señor Hueso to give me a discount on pizza next time I go..."

"I'm going to call him right now and make him charge you double."

"What! How dare you! Hueso already overcharges us!"

"Last time we were there you nearly put him out of business!"

"Hey, he agreed to have that pizza eating contest!"

You roll your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose.

"No me lo puedo creer." You say, closing your eyes. "Mi novio es un idiota."

At your perfect Spanish, Leo pauses. Before picking back up again.

"I never taught you how to curse in spanish."

"I fucking learned from the last time we were at Hueso's!"

At your faux angry look, he starts laughing, you grin and laugh too. After a bit of laughter, he smiles and speaks again.

"Close your eyes."

Your eyebrows raise and he rolls his eyes.

"Do you trust me?"

You roll your eyes back, shutting them as soon as possible.


"A terrible decision really."

He scoops you up, and you instinctively wrap your arms around his neck.

"Wow. Two Disney references in one conversation."

"Way to spoil the fun, Jerkules."

"Three! That's three Disney references!"

He laughs a little and after a short spurt of feeling as though you're falling, he puts you back down on the ground. You hear as Leo walks a little further away, and you smile.

"This better not be a trap, Nardo."

He takes your hands and pauses, you hear a little more shuffling.


You open your eyes, and see Leo smiling at you in the moonlight. Shifting a little. The moon behind him glinted off the water.

"Midnight, the time where everything hangs in the balance." He mumbles. Taking a deep breath. Eyes never leaving you.

"I know we've been a balancing act for so long. But if you'll have it, I promise I won't ever leave you standing there, waiting for me again."

He walks a little closer to you, revealing to you a small box, showing you its contents. It's a ring. Glinting in the moonlight. A small blue gem surrounded by an eclipse of a moon and a sun, almost like a flower half in bloom. And just above it, connected by a small piece of metal, is a star, with a small diamond inside it, sparkling with the stars above it.

"Oh, Leo." You whisper. Putting your hands over your mouth as you gape. It was beautiful.

"I don't care how messy we both may get. I love you. The real you. And when the time comes, I'd like to prove that to you, okay?"

You pause, before nodding.

"Okay," you whisper, tears welling in your eyes as his smile only grows. "Okay."

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