Wedding or Not (Here I Come)

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Happy Valentines Day 2023 lovelies! Have some Tanya and Raph content!


"I can't do this." She says, sitting herself down on one of the various chairs scattered around. You roll your eyes, continuing on with helping her with her hair. Twisting it around the curler, letting it sit, and then pulling the curler out, before shaking the hair out a little, the waves lining up with each other nicely.

"This is a terrible idea. This is a really bad idea."

"Tanya. You're fine."

"No, it's not fine. I'm 23. There's no way this is gonna work out. Raph's gonna regret marrying me and when he does we're gonna get a divorce and when that happens I'll nt be able to come hang out with you and the boys ever again and this is such a bad idea I'm calling it-"
"Tanya." You say, grabbing her shoulders and crouching down to her eye level. "You love him, right?"

"Of course I love him." She whispers. Eyes full of anxious tears.

You nod, looking her dead in they eyes.

"Then you do this, not for him. But for you. Because you love him, and this is how you're gonna show him."
"But what if-"

"Tanya." You say again, grounding her in reality. Not the what if. If she kept asking the what if questions, she'd never get the answers she was looking for. "Stop with the 'what if's."

You look her dead in the eyes.

"Wedding or no wedding, you'd stick with him. You'd be by his side. So you walk down that aisle, and you stick by his anxious ass till the end of time because you love that motherfucker more than words can describe."

She laughs a little, the tears drying from her eyes.

"I don't know why I'm so scared."

"This is the rest of your life, Tahn. Of course you're gonna be scared. But this is who you want the rest of your life to be with, right?"

"Of course." she whispers.

"Then this is scary as hell, but it's gonna be so worth it. You're gonna be a wife Tahn. Officially part of a family."

She smiles, wrapping you in a hug. Squashing part of your outfit.

"Hey hey! Watch the fit!"

She giggles and you smile, standing and walking over to the chair her dress was draped over. White with red fabric flowing down the dress from one shoulder It was slim, not too poofy. It draped over her perfectly and made her look amazing.

"I swear to god if he doesn't cry when you walk down the aisle I'm gonna be the life out of him."

She laughs again, taking the dress and walking to the restroom. A knock on the door sends you towards it, and you grin as Leo looks back at you, dressed in his respective blue tux.

He pauses for a moment, looking you up and down. Your outfit perfect on you.

"You need something, messenger boy?"

He grins as you laugh a little.

"Just asking if you're ready."

"Almost. She's changing right now."

"She have a crisis about it just now?"

"How did you know?"

You both chuckle a little. His laugh was wonderful.

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