After || I Love You

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 It had been a few months since the six of you moved into the little brownstone. You'd covered some of the walls head to toe in books with the money from working for Big Mama. The boys had to admit, it could get them more insight on Big Mama, and it helped that your contract stated she couldn't touch any of them.

Leo showed up, undisguised and beaming every time you fought. You'd stopped bashing heads and drawing blood, instead sticking to the fear that you could, at any moment, break someone's skull on the dirt below your feet.

The crowds adored it.

Hell, even Leo seemed to love it.

Donnie had found a few of his people. Techies and engineers who came over every now and then. After the Kraang, the world had mixed opinions on mutants. But the three who Donnie had found? They weren't anything like the purple dragons, or Big Mama, or the humans who hated and wanted rid of the Yōkai, the mutants.

They were good kids. Donnie had finally found his people, and he was all the happier for it. Of course he still walked into your room late at night, asking if he could go on long tangents about the project he was working on. You would sit intently and listen to him go on and on about the image transducers he was making, or how he was struggling to get his new Sheldon up and running. But he'd found people who could listen to him till the world ends.

Mikey, he was amazing. The people who were against mutants and Yōkai? The little sixteen year-old had already started speaking out against them, he'd gathered a whole community of Yōkai, Mutants, and humans all fighting together for the same cause. He'd done some interviews online already.

Casey and April came by to chill at the brownstone every day. You'd gotten to know them well over cups of coffee and through study sessions they wanted your help with, the two of them were good kids, and always had a joke to make or a shoulder to lean on.

Raph and Tanya, your favorite couple, were doing well. They supported everyone like you thought they would, but also found time to just be themselves with each other. They started going on dates, little walks around the city, coffee shops, bookstores, despite Tanya saying they could both have their own place, in a few months, they had moved out. Owning their own little apartment together.

They showed up to watch you fight sometimes too (though Raph never did particularly well when you, or someone else got bloody).

Then there was Leo. And you.

After you'd bought your little hide-out, the storm between you eased, your apology had released the strains of tension. At least it had released most of them. There were till moments where you felt alone, like he'd turned his brothers against you. Like he kept trying to distance himself from you.

The brownstone wasn't supposed to be roof access, but you'd notice ledges and notches to grip to in order to climb onto your roof. When you felt like this, you'd hoist yourself up and sit, your legs pulled against your chest. Cradling them like a lifeline, like a warm mug of tea and your favorite tv-show.

The one you couldn't watch because you saw it every day.

It was such a beautiful thing, to get to watch the episodes of their lives everyday. To finally understand who they were, and how their lives actually were. It wasn't your perfect dream, but it was definitely the closest you could ever dream of it becoming.

You laugh a little, so many would kill to be where you are right now, back where you were from. Because they were just like you. Kids with dreams and aspirations, battered and bruised from years of taking care of others, and never thinking twice about themselves. They saw themselves in your empath little brother, they saw themselves in Donnie's mind, they saw themselves in Raph's love, they saw themselves in April's kindness, and Casey's troubles.

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