Seven || Remember

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That one word sends you flurrying into action against him all over again. Your pale eye staring at him. Your other hosting a whole hundred emotions he couldn't depict. Your fists are marks of fury, your parries something out of a storybook. Every time his blade shatters your skin it repairs itself in seconds.

You were angry, clearly. Everyone could tell. Leo especially.


He falls to the ground and stares up at you, your chest heaving and your body scrunched in a thousand different places he didn't know you could hold anger in. He's never seen you angry.

"What could you possibly want from me? I'm gonna kill myself trying to save you, remember?"

"How is this any better?"

Your body stills, your breathing pauses.

"How is this better than when you had our family drag me through the portal? How is this any better than when the Kraang attacked? How is this any better than passing out every night healing our wounds?"

"This time I can make sure they don't happen. You brought our family into this arena, for what? You know I've killed people right where you're laying? They're heads crack open and I don't even notice..."

You trail off, your body growing heavy with emotion. You'd killed people, and for what? To make sure the few people you care about don't get hurt? What about the people you're hurting?

"They have to drag me off the body so they can take it away."

He stares up at you in shock. Is this what you had been doing? No art, no apartment. You'd been here. Every night. Fighting in this arena to save him and his family from a few extra wounds every night?

"The people here... they don't know what goes on in offices and suites. They don't know what you have to give up to do this every night. But they love it."

"Y/n... you don't have to do this..."

He tries standing up, but you put a foot on his plastron, pushing him back down to the ground, your face is set in stone.

"Fly away like a firefly and bloom like a flower," You whisper, barely an inch from his face. "You're not taking this chance to prove I can fix something as broken as whatever I've become."

He pauses, your eyes glinting in the lights of the arena, the blue jumpsuit and the jacket that matches his resting on your shoulders. The necklace that matches his is missing, but he knows it's somewhere nearby. If this is what you wanted, he wasn't going to take it from you. If you wanted to prove yourself, you could. Though he didn't know who you wanted to prove yourself to.

He gives you a bit of a sad excuse for a grin, and plucks the flower from behind your ear. Holding it between you two.

"I always thought blue fit you well."

And just like that he conjures a portal, sending him falling backwards. It closes behind him and when you turn to look, you see everyone else is gone too. Everything feels still though the roaring of indignation in the crowd ripples through each body. You pick up the flower, noting the almost metallic feel of it, turning and walking towards the gateway of the arena. Halfway to your exit your foot drags on something metal, and you hear its robotic clinking. You pause, crouch down, and grab the little chain.

It's dented, battered, part of it has caved in on itself, but you can still make out the 'L' in sharpie on the back of the moon charm.

You put the chain in your pocket, and make your exit.

Flowers || Rottmnt!LeoWhere stories live. Discover now