Two || The Next Nexus Big Thing

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You'd started job hunting and when you finally stumbled through the door to your empty apartment after a rough day, the sound of paper crunching filled your ears. Looking down you find a note has been slipped through the bottom of your door, neatly sealed in a pink envelope, a wax seal on the back keeping it shut tight.

The handwriting is dainty, suspicious. You crack the wax seal, a glorious purple glad with the letters NH pressed into it, it's addressed entirely to you. Whatever it was it couldn't be good, but you didn't want to worry the boys, they had a mission tonight. The note reads as follows,

"Dear Y/n L/n,

It's wonderful to meet you. I've heard you are looking for work. I can offer you a job, housing, payment, and safety for our mutual friends. If you would like to take me up on my offer, stop by the Grand Nexus Hotel.

I look forward to seeing you there,

Big Mama"

You did not at all expect a personal invitation into Big Mama's hotel, let alone a job offer from her. It could be a trap, or it could be a hostage situation, or it could genuinely be a job... and a space to live without taking Tanya's money... and safety for the boys, Tanya, Casey, even April.

You throw the few possessions you owned into your suitcase and backpack, and head on your way. Weaving through the streets of New York, clutching the letter as neon lights filled your eyes. Bright and beautiful in their wake.

One of the bellhops smiles at you, bows, and offers to take your luggage. You shake your head and give him a thank-you, walking into the lobby of the busy hotel. You walk up to one of the desks, sending a bell tinkling and causing someone to rush over to you.

"Sorry for the wait, what can I help you with?"

This was your last chance to back out of this, to turn around and stay out of this. But you couldn't, where else would you get a job? Big Mama always had her reasons, maybe this was genuinely an offer. Or maybe you were just putting the boys in more danger.

"Y/n! There you are!" A cheery voice calls to you, you turn to see the woman, her hourglass figure standing before the elevator doors. The large commotion caused many to look between you and her, but finally you waved.

"I got your letter! Figured I'd head over right away."

Big Mama's smile only grew more, gossip was good for business, and you'd just given her patrons weeks worth of gossip over you. She beckons you over.

"Come on up to my office pookie-boo! We'll get the little details all ironed out."
You grab your bags and she claps her hands, looking at one bellhop.

"Grab their bags, they're our most esteemed guest!"

One rushes towards you and grabs the suitcase from your hands, but you make sure to keep your little knapsack. If Big Mama took your clothes, you didn't mind, but within this bag are your most valuable possessions. The portrait of all of you from Mikey, another he had made with all the new family after the apocalypse, the mug from Raph, tool kit from Donnie. Also within the small bag stood the fanfictions Tanya had bought you in your world.

You'd kept the matching jacket Leo had bought you, and it rested on your shoulders, while the necklace rests where all necklaces do, around your neck, you hadn't taken it off since Leo had given it back to you.

When you get to her office, Big Mama pulls a paper out of her desks drawer, placing a pen down.

"All you have to do is sign this waiver, and you'll have the job."

You raise an eyebrow, still standing, refusing to sit in the chair. You pull the paper off the desk, reading over its contents. Even in the Yōkai world, they had you sign hold harmless agreements (a legal document you sign if an industry is capable and at high risk of bodily harm or financial harm. Typically so you can't sue the business if you get hurt).

You look up from the paper and she smiles at you.

"We have adequate medical care, you'd be in our penthouse suite, and as I've said, none of your friends will be hurt while you work for me."

"Do you have another contract for that?"

She grins and opens a drawer, handing you another paper.

"That's your contract, dear."

You read over it, before pausing.

"What's with you not using all those words you make up, in this exact moment? It's suspicious."

She folds her hands on the desk, her glasses glinting in the light, making it difficult to see her eyes.

"Those are for show. Nonce words make you less of a threat and just a little more lovable, good for business, good for show."

You nod, tapping the pen in your hand against the papers.

"It's all for business."

"You know all about that don't you? We'll get along just fine."

You glance over the documents again, before signing your name at the bottom of both pages. You hand the papers over, alongside the pen, offering her your hand.

"You've got yourself your next Battle Nexus champion."

She gives your hand a firm shake, smiling at you, pearly whites glinting in the small bit of fluorescent light.

"I can already tell, you'll do great."

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