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When you walk back into your apartment late that night, carrying furniture and forgotten pieces of metal and wires. You were surprised to see Leo asleep on the floor, head leaning against the doorframe, the flowers had fallen out of their jar and there was still quite a large puddle of water on the floor. You set the metal on the little island in between your kitchen and living room, setting both of the school chairs on the floor beside the island. (You needed chairs and you hadn't sat in one of these in ages, you practically all but dropped out of highschool, both in your own world and here).

You walked over to Leo and picked up the flowers, placing them in the empty water bottle. He opens his eyes groggily, you don't point out the streaks on his face, you don't ask about the redness of his eyes, you just give him a little smile.

"You fell asleep, Leo."

"I'm sorry." He mumbles, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

You wrap him in your jacket. A sudden realization hits you that the matching one he owned was probably destroyed in the explosion that took out the lair.

"I forgive you, Nardo. Go back to bed."

You try to stand, but he lifts his arm just so that his fingers brush your skin, you feel it. Little sparks of nothingness floating over your skin. It made you bristle. You'd equated it to static electricity. He was sitting on the carpet after all.

You turn and he's looking up at you, those big glassy eyes. You remember them in your world, a bright beautiful blue.

"No. I'm sorry for everything. Every word I said. Every look. I-"

You crouch down beside him, sitting on your shins, grabbing his hand. Holding it between both of yours.

"I know. I forgive you."

He smiles a little. It's wobbly, but you can tell he appreciates it. He closes his eyes. Breathing deeply.

You stand and help with the positioning of the leather car seats you'd taken from a fairly in shape car. Positioning it to look towards the glass sliding doors that led to a balcony. Raph had taken the liberty of carrying it to the flat alongside an old footrest. The kind you'd probably find in a grandma's house. It was brown fabric with a strange repeated design on it. You'd probably use it as a coffee table more than once. It was a strange assortment of furniture you'd brought into the space, but you didn't mind.

It felt sort of like a reminder that you'd had to put patches in places you never expected. But you love what you've made.

You eye the various plants on the countertop that Tanya had brought in. You'd found one of those wheely carts that people sometimes take their kids places in, and had used it to transport different flora to your apartment. As you started moving the plants out onto your balcony. (Various types of Pothos mostly, once you had a little more furniture maybe you could hang it from different places...).

Then again, this was an apartment. What were you going to hang. An idea sparked in your head. You nod to yourself, smiling at everyone.

"I think I'm gonna go house hunting tomorrow."

They give you bewildered looks.

"That way we can make more of a home for ourselves. Nothing against rooming with you all, but I think we learned a one bedroom apartment is pretty crowded. Plus then we have a place to hang out above ground, have parties, chill-out."

"Have a comfortable place to stay before we can get the lair back in order?" Mikey questions. You nod.

They look between each other. Nodding to one another.

Flowers || Rottmnt!LeoWhere stories live. Discover now