Eight || Mistakes Were Made. Again.

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Just like that, you woke up the next morning and decided what you were going to do. You hadn't used any of the money Big Mama had given you for winning fights, or being contracted. You grabbed your few belongings and took the elevator up to the Yōkai's office. Exiting the elevator, smiling at the spider woman.

"Y/n dear, hello. Aren't you supposed to be on vacation?"

You give her a brief smile, nodding.

"As soon as I leave this building, I get three weeks off from the arena. However I do have one question."

"Hit me with it, you have a vacation to get to."

"I'd like to move out of the penthouse, I'll take care of my own place from now on."

She nods, tapping her fingers on the beautiful desk, the sharp clacking only lasts a few moments before she nods.

"You won't be paid for vacating the premises."

You nod, hoisting your knapsack up on your shoulder.

"That's entirely fine."

She nods, waving you off.

"Enjoy house hunting!"

You grin, turning and going down the elevator. Sliding through the foyer. You smile up at the sun when you reach the sidewalk. The streets are busy but you find the waves of people a little more bearable after working in a massive arena for months.

You pull out your phone, dialing Tanya's number.

"Hey!" You hear a crash in the distance over the phone. "Sorry Y/n one second." Your hear as Tanya's hand covers the phone, but her shouts are still audible.

"Donnie! I swear to god! Get a hold of your invention!"

The familiar cadence of Donnies voice graces the speaker.

"Dude! Love you. I don't care what the problem is, it's wrecking the lair!"

You hear a few more of Donnies shouts and she lets out an angered huff.

"I know you're on a three week break, so I'll call you back once we figure this out."

You nod, walking towards the apartment you had inhabited for a night.

"I could help out if you want."

"Honestly? It's all hands on deck, get over here. Don created some sort of virus and all his tech is getting infected."

You hear her grunt for a moment, and then the metallic clang of metal against stone.

"Don! Can't you just cut the power off?!"

He shouts something back again, and Tanya murmurs under her breath, "of course they've got their own perpetual batteries, he can't ever just make a creation that runs on the internet or something..."

"I'll be over soon, save some of the fight for me."

You hear her chuckle a little.

"Naturally we will."


"Fucking hell."

The lair is in shambles when you arrive, furniture is on fire, sparks are flying from a thousand different electronics, and when you look around at every other room, there are feathers from pillows and fluff from beds, one of the skateboard ramps is broken, and you can practically see why there are so many flames about the whole lair.

There's practically a war between mutant and machine happening.

You rush over to Donnie, who's pinned to the ground by an infected Sheldon, and kick the machine off of him, sending him flying into the nearest wall and practically shattering on impact.

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