Respite and Reliving the Past

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Soon I change into my new armor, bandages burn.. It will take some time to heal completely seeing as my regeneration is pushed to its limits. Man those Fox sisters gave me a helluva fight.

As I don my new armor, I search my captains quarters for a box.. soon after a few minutes of rummaging I find it, an engraved Colt .45. Named "A Light Shining in Darkness" I remember I got this from an old friend... hope your safe Joshua...

I am no longer listing to my side, need to radio the gals and let 'em know I can move on my own. But first need to pay a visit to a certain Siren.

*Timeskip 10 minutes*

I am sitting in my captains chair, sipping on some old Jack Daniels. Trying my hardest to just rest and not exert too much then I feel it, a presence in the room. It's not Enterprise, no I recognize her heartbeat. This one is familiar..

"Empress." I say without even opening my eyes, continuing to drink my glass.

"Hmm... Even when I am actively hiding myself you still seem to find me.." She said in amazement

"Well, Empress when you get to my age you tend to learn to find people. I've had more than my fair share of attempts on my life and helped a few people dear to me with attempts on theirs." I reply calmly still drinking my JD

"Kaiser, if it isn't a sour topic how old are you? Even I can't get a bead on you... it's like your an enigma even to me.." Empress asked now sitting near me

"Well... you wouldn't believe me I'd say but considering you pulled me from a  different dimension I'm gonna go ahead and try: I am currently 4,749. In fact what's today?"

She looks stunned, knew it she'd be wholly confused finding out I'm older than damn near the human race.

"Last I checked it is July 6th. But you're 4 thousand years old? Nearing 5 thousand? You surely have the strength of someone in their prime you know that?" She blurted our as I looked at her, I know she didn't mean offense. I am flattered she thinks this way.

"Well Darlin' that's in human years. I am a Draco, we have no real set lifespan... I am only about in my late 40s physically. And I will get stronger as I age. Only problem is... I will live to see most everyone I know die.. As a being who's in the same bracket as me I suspect you deal with the same dilema for non Sirens." At this point I was sitting strait up, staring at her.

I notice she's looking down, seems I was right. Hmm I have an idea.. one I think I'll use in the future.

"Hey Empress?" I got her attention and soon she was looking towards me curiously. "Want to see something cool?" I flash a toothy smile, apparently showing my elongated teeth. She looked hesitant seeing that but nodded her head out of curiosity.

As I sit back down to get comfortable I raise my hand and open my palm, she looks at me puzzled but keeps watching, as I close my eyes to concentrate my powers I feel the familiar energy course through me. Soon I have manifested a small shark out of purple and blue fire, I make it "swim" through the air as if it were alive, soon making it swim its way to Empress.

This earns a yelp from her as she fears it would burn her, seeing as I'm powerful enough to do damage to her I don't blame her but I would never hurt her without reason.

" *gasp* Kaiser how exactly are you able to do this? I realize me asking that is absurd but we use technology and science but this? This is pure magic!" She exclaims while currently petting the fire shark. Surprised it doesn't burn.

I answer simply "Well you learn a few things to help ease the mind of kids.. I learned a lot of what I do because where I came from war is constant... worse than here on earth.. kids being caught in the crossfire too often. Like I said I'm nearly 5,000 years old I've seen war break out everywhere on Terra. I participated in wars.. Empress I have a kill count higher than you. My hands are stained by the blood of brother and sister alike.. but I never raised my hand against an innocent.. I am the fatherly figure because i hate seeing people hurt, hence why I can do this magic trick, it calms people down."

I explain as I make the fire take the form of someone, she looked puzzled trying to figure out who it was until it dawned on her. She was the fire, She was the one dancing in flames now.

"Kaiser.. I want to know did you ever have a lover?" The question made me stop... the fire burned out and I stiffened in my seat... memories flash before me. She noticed and immediately got up to comfort me, seeing my eyes water filled her with worry

"Yes... I had a wife... back when I was younger, around 2 thousand I met a human.. she captivated me, her beauty her intelligence her wit... She understood me better than anyone else nearly.. Her name was Sarina. For over a year me and her traveled, soon we became close, soon again we became partners and I wedded her. For forty years we were together..."

She saw me stop, recalling everything that happened..

"Soon she became sick with something, something not even I could help against. But that was the least of my fears, I used my position as a high ranking military officer to oversee construction and rebuilding after catastrophes. But some people were not too keen on me spending my power that way... while I was gone from home someone broke in and..."

At this point I couldn't stand it, I cried.. for the fist time in over a century I cried.. felt like a burning steak shoved into my heart.. Empress saw this and hugged me, when was the last time someone cared enough to hug me..?

It took me a few minutes to regain composure.. I needed to finish this story..

"He killed her" I said after minutes of silence "He didn't do it quick either, she suffered... he made sure of it. So when I got home that evening and saw the aftermath.. my rage took over." I didn't even notice Empress backed away from me, I didn't notice the pressure in the room increased significantly. The lights on my ship turned a purple with red hues, my canons now glowing green ready to fire. I didn't even notice I stood up and was now leaning over my command console.

Outside the girls noticed my ships drastic change, the canons seemingly pointed at nobody, the lights now an angry color. Soon the chains towing me snapped I parted from the group unknowing, Enterprise caught up the fastest, her rigging attached. As she jumped aboard she headed to my bridge only to see me not noticing anyone. Empress motions her to stay still and reluctantly she does.

"When I found him, when I got my hands on that little Weasel... I payed him no mercy. For a week and a half I tortured him. Tore him limb from limb for hurting her. Sarina's brother came to find me.. only when he walked in I was covered in blood and gore.. I expected him to end me... I wanted him to but instead he hugged me. Like a brother hugging their younger sibling after a nightmare. He knew what that man did to his sister, but I got to him first."

Finally I stopped. I stood at my full height.. realizing what I relived and said... I stand there staring at my shaking hands again my eyes threatening to cry before I turn and notice Enterprise staring at me.

"I- I am sorry... I should not have relived that nor should I have let that emotion take over... Enterprise, Empress please forgive me.."

My ship stopped suddenly. Canons powering down, lights going back to a normal color, pressure in the room returning to normal.

Empress looked saddened.. she came to me and cupped her hand on my cheek turning me head to look at her

"You lost someone special to you. Your anger was justified as any living person.." she suddenly embraced me. I couldn't help but do the same

"Thank you for listening... very few know that story.. seems it took a higher toll than I anticipated.."

She nodded but what she said next is what made me stop in my tracks, and what made Enterprise

"I will always listen to you Kaiser. Because I love you."

It will repeat! You can't let anyone get close to you. They will only be taken! Something my mind was screaming...

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