⫸𝙲 𝚑 𝚊 𝚙 𝚝 𝚎 𝚛 - 𝚏 𝚘 𝚞 𝚛⫷

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"On my mark... Three... Two... One.."

After the last word the Rumlow and his soldiers carry out their orders, take out the men in the gally and save the hostages.

Meanwhile Steve and I head up to Batroc and deal with him.

Steve starts running, me following after him and he throws his shield through the window and hunches down for me, I step on his back and leap into the window and knock back the soldier guarding him out as Steve comes in and starts to fight with Batroc however Batroc kicks Steve and starts running away.

"Get him I got this!" I shout as I take a punch to the stomach while Steve leaves. I kick back and knock the soldier out and chase after both Steve and Batroc.

"Hostages en route to extraction." Rumlows voice calls in coms as me and Steve continue to run out of a hallway.

When we get to a set of stairs and look around I see nothing at first but Steve continues to lead the way "Romanoff missed the rendezvous point, Cap." Steve grunts as he hops of the stairs and I follow along.

"Hostages are still in play." We both hear and I scoff "Where the hell is she?" I mumbled as me and Steve continue on "Natasha, Batroc's on the move." He warns as we walks and keep our eyes peeled for movement.

"Circle back to Rumlow and protect to hostages." He adds, still no response "Nat?" I call out this time and still no answer.

Steve goes round a corner and is met with a kick but he blocks it with his shield but the force of impact he falls over and tries to roll and recover but once again thrown back "What the fuck!" I shout as I walk up to Batroc and pull his shoulders back and throw him over my shoulder.

We all three start to fight and I noticed something. "Steve his a leg fighter!" I shout hoping he'd know what I meant and from the change of his fighting style he did, pulling Batroc close and landing four knee hits to his stomach. Steve throws him but Batroc flips out of the tumble and lands on his feet.

The hell? I thought to myself as I stood next to Steve. Batroc speaks in French as he glares at Steve "I thought you were more then the shield." He spits and cracks his knuckles.

I scoff and look at Steve with a nod and I back away while Steve puts his shield on his back and removes his helmet, speaking in French Steve says in spite "Let's see."

They start to fight and I wait on the side pacing while watching it all go down. I felt like a teacher coaching though not saying a word.

Steve lands a few kicks and then holds his left foot down as he jumps and rotates his body landing his right foot in Batroc's face and knocking him down, my eyes widened in shock and I started to clap "You have to teach me that move." I chuckled.

Steve steps aside and I smile at Batroc and charge at him, picking him up and slamming him against the door and we both fall through and I slam a punch down and kick him out.

Catching my breath I stand up and then hear Her voice. "Well this is awkward." I look over to see Nat bending down to a desk on a computer with a smirk as she looks from me to the screen again.

"You go to be kidding me." I scoff out and Steve walks in "What are you doing?" He asks as he walks to Nat while I walk over as well. "Backing up the hard drive." She says in a matter of fact way. I look down at Batroc and then look back to Steve "It's a good habit to get into" she adds with a smile

"We needed your help, what the hell are you doing here?" Steve barked as we both walk over to stand next to her. I look at the screens and the loading bar "Your saving Intel from S.H.E.I.L.D" I point out as I lean my hands against the desk "Only what I can get my hands on." She retorts

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