💥𝙲 𝚑 𝚊 𝚙 𝚝 𝚎 𝚛 - 𝙴 𝚒 𝚐 𝚑 𝚝💥

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Come to find out..
It was a man..
With a metal arm...

He takes a tumble but then catches himself with his metal hand and claws through the concrete as he slows to a stop and then stands up and stands there, at this point I can get a better look at him, medium length brown hair paired with goggles and a black face mask. His clothes look battle ready.

Nat leans up with her pistol to take the shot I look behind us and see a truck or a jeep comes up at high speed, "Get ready for impact" I yell out but before I could finish it crashes into us. We all get pushed forward due to the impact but it doesn't let up as the truck starts to push our car, I can hear the tires screeching as our car is moved forward coming up to the man with a metal arm, I lean away from Steve so when more impact happens he wont feel the most of it.

But instead of what I thought the soldier jumps up and flips over, grabbing a small ledge of the windshield and landing on top of the car with a thud. Sam slams on the brakes and the soldier reaches through the windshield with his metal hand and rips the steering column out of the car, breaking the steering wheel.

Nat finally gets the grip of her gun and shoots up through the ceiling of the car but the metal man jumps away in time, "Steve" I spoke softly he looked in my eyes and nodded as I told him a plan. I pull away and force myself in the back seat and I pull and push Nat to sit where I was, making sure to stabilize myself as the car derails and hits the guardrail and I angle myself against the backseat door and pass Steve his shield. he leans it against his door and then pulls Nat and Sam to him shouting, "Hang on!" just then the car is flipped into the air and Steve hits the door and it comes off the car and they land on the ground, while I kick my door and then I curl up so I land on the door as it hits the concrete and we slide far.

While they are huddled up I look and see our car doing multiple flips as a tire rolls off and the truck with the soldier changes lanes. Sam rolls off the door with Steve as they slide further and I push him to the side so he gets more safety as my door continues to slide further then stops I stand up and run to Steve and Nat and help them up as i watch the soldier jump off the parked truck and walks past another soldier and grabs a- oh no

"Guys we gotta move!" I shout to them and we start to run as the soldier with a metal arm aims at us Steve crouches with his shield and I pull Nat to the side, me and her hide behind a van and Sam joins us as Steve is hit with a heavy explosion and it shoots off the bridge while I crouched in front of Nat and Sam, "You guys good?" I look at them and they nod "Okay Sam fall back Nat you know what to do." I smile and I move so Nat is in front of me as Sam runs back to hide behind a different car all the while a group of soldiers shoot at us. Nat runs and takes cover at a car in front and shoots at the soldiers while I take cover behind the middle car, going over what I could do.

Sam runs back further and Nat continues her shots while I lean up and look out the window seeing the metal man move up "Shit.." I spoke under my breath and before I could say anything I saw the car she was hiding behind got blown up and she jumped over the guardrail and then dodged a car and ran off from my sight. I sigh and nod and then run the car behind the one I was already at and then I run across and jump off the bridge and head into the direction I saw Steve fly.

it was a huge crash with glass everywhere but it wasn't that bad as I ran up to the flipped bus and I helped people out of it, "Come on your okay" I help a woman "What's going on?" she asks panicked I sigh "Ma'am you need to get out of here spread the word. this is not a safe place." I nod and she nods and helps others out of the way and I look around and see Steve's shield, running to it to pick it up and I hear a car crash and look over to the metal man walk off a car and chase after someone, I notice his goggles are gone. I shake my head and then I move forward to the bus and I see a man carry out the last woman and they run away and I run inside and see Steve.

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