⫸𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚗𝚍 𝙸𝚜 𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐⫷

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This is too much...

After walking away and off the bridge with Steve, him and I came up with a plan to break into the old museum in order to get our old gear since we don't have what we used to.

"You know I do have one question." I remarked softly to which he looked over at me with thoughtful eyes "Oh? And what would that be?" he inquired as we walked to the car waiting for us, "Remember the first time we went to the museum and we saw your section and uh" I paused for a moment to gather my thoughts "And Bucks section." Steve finishes my sentence and then reaches over his left arm and rubs my back, "Yeah I remember and we also saw the group section as well." he nods as we stop and stand next to the car and he stands in front of me, "Before you walked away I was going to joke that my picture and statue wasn't there." I sigh "Does my exhibit even exist? or did they take it down?" I look at Steve and he shakes his head with a slight shrug "I don't know but we can find out right?" He smiles softly with kind eyes and I nod "Yeah, lets get out of here." I smiled

We get into the car and we head to the museum.

After sneaking past the security and making our way to the main exhibit where his old uniform sits and waits for us to grab, I watch Steve walk over and start to take his outfit off the mannequin and its then that I feel a familiar sadness wash over me as I remember that Bucks exhibit is nearby and so instead of waiting for Steve to be done I go with my impatience and I walk over to where my dread hits me harder as I watch the glass display wall come into view and I read the text that was written.. James... I'm so sorry I wish I could have saved you from what was to come instead of letting you suffer... If only I didn't land on that fucking rock I could have gotten up and fought for your freedom..

I let the emotions build then I sigh to release it all from my body as I move on to look for my exhibit or at least a trail of what was mine.

Finally at the end of my search in the back under the shadows, hidden from certain eyes and hidden from the main parts of the museum overall and honestly I completely understand, why would they proudly display a killer next to the one and only Captain America?

I stand there and read over the information they wrote for me and to be honest it's more blank than anything...

Cassandra ---- ----------
---- to 1945
Beloved friend to Captain America also known as Steven Rogers and James 'Bucky' Barnes
She showed up from the middle of nowhere some say she was a spy but that seemed to be proven wrong when she helped Steve save their friend and then proved once again when she helped take down the threat "Red Skull"

More information redacted

It's a shame she turned into the most feared and dangerous soldier.

I sigh as I finish reading and then look at my mannequin but instead of seeing my old uniform when I worked along the group I saw the outfit I wore when I was the Shadow Soldier, "So that's what they did with it when I got the pardon from the government.. Not a surprise." I continued to stare at the statue with an old picture of me in the background until I felt a hand on my shoulder "Cass.." I hear Steve breathe out and the tension I once had melts away "I don't know if I can Steve.." I spoke out as just a murmur of sadness while I stared at the old 'fit.

"I understand if you can't but it's all you have." I hear him retort "Take it and wear it to prove that you're not who you once were. Prove to them that you are worth more." he adds "Prove to them that you are not your past." and with his words something clicks in me.

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