⫸𝙲 𝚑 𝚊 𝚙 𝚝 𝚎 𝚛 - 𝚂 𝚎 𝚟 𝚎 𝚗⫷

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"Who fired it?" Steve asks "S.H.I.E.L.D."

"I am afraid I have been stalling." Arnim speaks up and Nat grabs the drive and puts it in her pocket "Admit it. It's better this way." He starts again.

I look around and see the vent from earlier, "Steve!" I call for him and we run over and toss the cover of the vent and I gesture for Nat to run over, "We are, all of us, out of time." Arnim finishes his statement and Steve grabs Nat and pulls her down and shields her with himself and his shield while I jump down and shield her other side not giving a damn with what happens to me, heh I guess the Capsicle is rubbing off more than I'll admit.

And with that the building gets hit and a massive explosion goes off as I bring up my arms in time and I grunt in pain as stone and concrete fall over us, my arms getting hit with huge chunks on concrete as the ceiling collapses as well as my back and legs as the ruble falls and fills the vent hole along with my grunts and held back screaming I hear Steve doing the same as he blocks more with his shield and I feel Nat wrap her arms around my side.

Once the debris finally settles I feel around and start to push up with all my might "Steve come on." I call out to which I get a response "I'm here just push." and with that I let out a sigh of relief and we push as hard as we can and we finally make a break through the layer and move stones out the way so we can get out. He knocks down a big hunk of stone and light comes through and I look down and see that Nat has passed out so I ignore my pain and pick her up and help carry her out.

Once Steve is out he tosses his shield and picks Nat up out of my arms and carries her as I get out of the now stone and concrete filled pit and I stretch my legs and cough for a moment and reach out for Nat but Steve refuses "I'm okay we have better things to worry about hand her over." I demand and he gives in and passes her to me to which I carry her and we start to get out quickly, trying our best to ignore the dust and fire.

As we continue to move I see lights coming this way from the open ceiling, realizing its now pitch black out and I call out "Steve we need to get the fuck out of here now." I said and started to run Steve following along.

After getting far as we could I look and Steve, "Got any ideas of where to go?" I ask softly as not to wake the sleeping red head in my arms and he shakes his head but then comes to a realization "Well Sam would be at his place today right?" He asked and my eyes lit up "Your right. Let's head over there now.. I hope he helps us.." I sigh and Steve reaches over and squeezed my shoulder "Everything will be okay." I smile and nod.

I knock on the door waiting for an answer, we've been running for hours and now the suns out as its fresh in the morning and Sam answers the door "Cass?" he looks over and sees me, Steve, and Nat covered with dirt and dust "Hey guys.." he corrected himself "I'm so sorry for this..we need a place to lay low.." Steve spoke up as I held my side in pain, "Everyone we know is trying to kill us.." Nat added and I simply nodded "Well not everyone." Sam said and moved out the way "Come inside." I let out a sigh of relief as I walked in and walked to the dinning table and sat down grunting in pain.

Sam closes the door and closes the blinds.

"Okay who's cleaning up first?" I asked and Steve spoke after me "You should I can go last." I shook my head "Nat can take my place I'll go after her." I look at her and she smiles and nods "Thank you." She nodded and I simply shook my head "No worries."

I pull my phone out from my pocket and check it and surprisingly it still works minus a few cracks and I work my magic and go through the latest news and I cant believe my eyes "You got to be fucking kidding me." I roll my eyes with clear anger and Steve looks at me "What?" I slid my phone across the table, "They marked us as S.H.I.E.L.D. fugitives." I sigh and hold my side as I lean back "Alexander fucked us over." I breathe out.

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