⫸𝙲 𝚑 𝚊 𝚙 𝚝 𝚎 𝚛 - 𝚂 𝚒 𝚡⫷

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This is where I knew things were going to get bad

The jet starts to shoot at us but Steve's driving skills dodge it all and he leans forward and I know what he's going to do.

Steve takes a deep breath and then throws his shield into one of the fans of the jet and then jumps off the motorcycle and I scoot forward to take control and steer it to the bridge but then its when I notice that they finally closed the bridge as I see the sharp setting spikes come up and I sigh and nod to myself and I look up to the jet and see Steve is breaking it down and its coming apart.

"Okay come on Cassie you have to time this just right, if not your dead." I told myself and I kept looking up at the jet and down at the spikes as they got closer.

I'm sitting on the back of the bike while a man with long brown hair and a metal arm is in front driving the bike. We are on a long road, a dirt path even and there is a black car driving ahead "Do it." the man said but in russian and I pull a gun out and shoot the windshield and the car swerves off road and crashes.

Me and the mysterious man stop and get off the bike and head over to the car as we hear a man gasping for air and calling for help and before I could see his face I-

I snap out of the vision and I look around remembering where I was and then I lean forward and jump off of the bike and use the momentum to do a front flip and I land on one knee and flip my head to the side to get my hair out the way as I see the jet crash just in time and Steve lands next to me with his shield in hand.

I shake my head and I lean back landing on my butt and I pull my knees up "That was too close.." I whispered as I tried to hold back tears my voice cracking and Steve came over "Hey you're okay. Look at me you're okay." He says trying to get my attention but i shake my head and finally he grabs my face and makes me look at him "You're okay." he said softly "Just breathe."

It took me a moment but I gathered my thoughts and I sat up "We need to go." I nod, "Okay." I whispered out and he helped me stand and we started to run.

"Where do we go from here?" I ask Steve as he continues to run next to me "Well we need to get out of gear and then we need to get back to that hospital I left something there." He explained and I nodded.

We get to a safe place where we don't need to run anymore and we get out of gear and change into less suspicious clothing and then we head over to the hospital

Walking through the halls I follow behind Steve as he leads the way to a vending machine and then he pauses "I left it in here." I tilted my head confused "left what?" He frowns "The hard drive." I shook my head but then my attention was caught by a certain red head chewing on some bubble gum "Hey Nat." I sighed out and she smiled.

Steve had other ideas as he grabbed her arms and quickly and swiftly shoved her in a dark and empty room and while surprised I chase after them, "Steve calm down." I said softly yet with urgency yet he ignores me.

As he slams her against a wall, "Where is it?" He asked "Safe." Nat spoke as she looked at him with slight surprise in her face, "Do better." He said still holding her arms and her face contorts to a little bit of anger, "The real question is where did you get it?" And Steve shook his head "Why would I tell you?" And just like she could read his mind "Fury gave it to you.. Why?" She asked and Steve spoke up again "What's on it?" She shrugs "I don't know."

And Steve shakes her a little her back still on the wall and his grip on her arms tight, "Stop lying." He hissed and Nat shook her head "I only act like I know everything, Rogers doesn't mean I do." She spat out in spite and Steve looked over his shoulder at a noise which was just me closing the door and then I took my hood off and walked over to them.

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