Chapter 4

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"So, Atsushi is a girl?!" Kouyou asks. "That is true Ane-san..." Chuuya said. "But how is that even possible?! We all were reincarnated in the same gender, except for Atsushi!" Fukuzawa as a cat jumped to the table. Mori smiled as he began to pat the cat. "But she looks at us like she doesn't know us," Dazai said. "Dazai, why didn't you tell us last time? We founded this club 5 years ago." Kouyou asks. "Well, me and Odasaku didn't tell you because of her mental health..." Dazai said. Soon the door opened and it was Oda with Akutagawa. "Work?" Mori asks as he holds the cat. "Yea, I left the work a little bit so my paperwork piled up," Oda said as he sat in his place. "What about you Akutagawa?" Fukuzawa asks. "I followed off Atsushi." He said as he placed his bag down and sat on his place. "Not after what she witnessed," Chuuya said as he got the imagination of him choking Dazai. "Oh come on," Dazai said. "Still, we are not sure about how we reincarnated. The only survivors after we died were Paul Verlaine and Atsushi Nakajima." Fukuzawa said. "Believe me, I still have no idea how I died. I was just chilling in my place when I woke as a baby." Paul said. Rimbaud just slapped Paul's head. "If you didn't drink wine, then you would remember," Rimbaud said. "I wasn't drinking!" Paul shouted at Rimbaud. Kouyou only sighed as she facepalmed.

"But anyway, we need to talk about Atsushi," Yosano said as she stood up. Both Paul and Rimabud held a long paper and began to write something. Yosano writes on the blackboard 'Atsushi Nakajima' in the middle. "We need to know about Atsushi of his, or her as she is a female now, age to relatives and mental age," Yosano said as she turned around. "Well, the relatives of Atsushi are me and Dazai. As I'm her foster father, and Dazai is the foster brother." Oda said. Yosano hummed as she began to write on the blackboard. "She is 16. But I'm not sure about the mental age, as, it doesn't look like she has memories." Dazai said. Yosano only wrote 16 years old. "Ranpo, could you check?" Yosano asks. Ranpo nodded as a creature with many books in its hands appeared as if one book was flipping the pages fast. "Found it!" Ranpo said. Soon the creature showed the pages. On one page was a drawing of Atsushi with information on the next page. "Hm, hey, could you show us one of our info? Just a comparing." Dazai said. Another book was placed and it was information of Dazai. "In my info stands about the past life, but in Atsushi's..." Dazai said. "There stands none," Kouyou said. "Maybe she isn't reincarnated?" Fukuzawa asks. "How can you say that?!" Mori said. "Well, if there stands none about her past life, that must, she is from this world," Fukuzawa said. "Ugh, is Atsushi's fate to live in the orphanage where they abuse her?" Dazai asks.

"Could, you, tell us a little about Atsushi's life in the past? I know she was a male in the past life, but, could you tell us about her upbringing?" Oda asks. "Well, yea. We can." Dazai said as he looked at his past coworkers from ADA.

"I see. A hard life." Oda said. "Yea, and he always lied that everything was ok with him. But we also turned a blind eye to it because he did look ok." Kunikida said. Both Rimbaud and Paul looked at each other as they held the poster 'We don't know Atsushi Nakajima' in their hands. "Plus, he always chooses to help others than help himself," Kunikida said. "I see. So that's the problem." Oda said. "He always was like that, I noticed how much he wanted to have a plushie, but he gave up and gave me one," Kyouka said as she remembered that Atsushi gave her a bunny plushie. Oda frowned. "Furthermore, we have no idea why most of our ability is like mine and Kyouka," Kouyou said as Golden Demon appeared and hugged their owner. The same thing did Demon Snow. "Well, that is true. But hey, now by my touch none of your abilities will be nullified!" Dazai said. "Well, that is a good thing, but your ability in a creature form yes," Oda said as Dazai's ability was protecting Dazai. It was a strange creature with kimono floating as the haori was on its shoulders as the bondage flew around. "Expect this one." Dazai pointed at his ability. "Wait, let me check the information," Dazai said as he waved his ability away. Ranpo gave him the book and Dazai began to read again.

"You notice something?" Hirotsu asks. "There. There stands about Atsushi's ability." Dazai pointed at something. Everyone came up. "That's right. She has the ability. And the same one as in the past life. The Beast Beneath the Moonlight." Yosano said. "Nothing has changed with our ability. What does this ability look like?" Hirotsu asks. Another book was shown and ex-Black Lizards looked at the book. There was a drawing of a young woman with a white long kimono and white tiger fur on her shoulder and the hair was long and pale blue. It was visible and seen they can shine. And she was wearing a mask that only shows golden eyes. "Oh, a beauty," Tachihara said. Gin glared at Tachihara. Tachihara flinched. "Look, there stand that Beast Beneath the Moonlight, namely Byakko, is a guardian of the Book," Hirotsu said. "Book? So Byakko is the guardian?" Yosano said. "Now it explains why Atsushi's ability is so special. Because they were guardians of the Book." Poe said. "That Book that we lost lives," Dazai said as his ability hugged him. Everyone frowned as they remembered their deaths.

"Can it be, Atsushi has the Book?" Yosano asks. "I guess if she is the ability user this lifetime," Dazai said as he looked at the info on Atsushi. Then he noticed Akutagawa was looking at the picture. He knew pretty well what feelings Akutagawa has for Atsushi. Soon Akutagawa noticed something. He took the book and looked closely. The creature looked confused at Akutagawa but walked away their head when Rashomon appeared. Then Akutagawa's eyes were wide. He saw A.N. beneath the drawing. 'That signature....' He thought as he got a flashback.

Atsushi was drawing something on his paper as Akutagawa was sitting behind him. "What are you even drawing?" He asks. Atsushi flinched. "Why do you care?" Atsushi asks as he hid the album behind his back. "I'm asking because it bothers me, and I don't like the fact you are drawing. Can it, it is a plan on how to get rid of me?" He said. "There is no way I will do that!"Atsushi said. Then Rashomon took the album. "No!" Atsushi said. There was a drawing of a Japanese black dragon with red eyes. Atsushi was blushing hard. "Did you draw it?" He said. "Maybe, but why are you asking?!" Atsushi said. "Because there is no signature," Akutagawa said. Atsushi flinched. "Signature?" He said. "Yea, it's normal for an artist who draws to write their signature," Akutagawa said. "Ah, well, I don't know. I'm not an artist, so, why should I write one?" Atsushi said. Akutagawa just looked at Atsushi, then he took his pen from his coat and write something. After that, he gave back the album. Atsushi with surprise took back the album. Then he saw A.N. under the drawing. "Huh? Why did you even do that?!" Atsushi said. "What? A.N. stands for your name. Atsushi Nakajima." He said. Atsushi was surprised. "You can also change the signature style, I just you gave an example," Akutagawa said. Atsushi looked at his drawing. Then smiled.

'Can it be? He made everything...?!' Akutagawa thought. "Hey Akutagawa, is something the matter?" Chuuya asks. Soon the book was taken away as the creature closed it. "You've been looking at the book too long," Ranpo said. "That, signature, it was the were-tigers signature," Akutagawa said. Everyone was shocked. "What are you saying? It cannot be." Oda said. Ranpo made his ability to open the book again and there was Atsushi's info again. "Where is the signature?" Ranpo asks as he has the ability to show the book. "There, beneath the drawing," Akutagawa said as he pointed. Everyone got the book from the ability, and they saw the signature. "There only stands A.N., it isn't Atsushi's," Yosano said. "It is! Since, I gave the idea of the signature, and it looks like he kept this style of signature...." Akutagawa said. Everyone was surprised. "So, this drawing, Atsushi made...?" Ranpo said. 

Characters age and mental age:

Mori: 39, mentally 79
Fukuzawa: 44, mentally 89
Kouyou: 26, mentally 52
Yosano: 26, mentally 52
Ranpo: 26, mentally 52
Oda: 33, mentally 56
Ango: 33, mentally 58
Poe: 24, mentally 52
Ryuunosuke: 16, mentally 36
Gin: 15, mentally 34
Kyouka: 14, mentally 28
Dazai: 17, mentally 39
Chuuya: 17, mentally 39
Lucy: 17, mentally 36
Kunikida: 27, mentally 49
Tanizaki: 16, mentally 34
Naomi: 15, mentally 32
Paul: 29, mentally in his 50s
Rimbaud: 29, mentally in his 50s
Tachihara: 16, mentally 35
Hirotsu: 45, mentally 95
Atsushi: 16

(1532 Words)

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