Chapter 13

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Chuuya was reading a history book when it suddenly was taken away. He looked up and saw Kouyou taking it. "Hey! I was reading it!" Chuuya said. "And we are going to Oda's place," Kouyou said. "Huh? Why is that?" Chuuya said as Paul with Rimbaud appeared. "Cuz it is about our abilities," Paul said as their ability were next to them. Chuuya sighed. "Fine..." Chuuya said as he lazily stood up from the couch. "Plus Atsushi will be there. I want to know her now!" Rimbaud said with excitement. Kouyou only smiled that someone wanted to know her ex-enemy. "By the way, Kouyou. Could you tell us about Atsushi? How was he in the past life?" Paul asks. Kouyou flinched. 'But, I don't know him!' Kouyou thought.

Oda's place

"She invited someone else?" Kouyou asks. "Yeah, for the time being, she will get later," Oda said. "I hope it's not too late," Oda said. Rimbaud looked away as he was excited to talk with Atsushi. Paul only patted Rimbaud's back. "But, did you get to know about Byakko?" Kouyou asks. "Um, no. Atsushi cannot tell about her ability's past because of their agreement, and it is not a broken one." Oda said. "Ah, is that so?" Kouyou said. "But, did Byakko do something?" Chuuya asks. "No Longer Human wanted to say something that has to do with Byakko's past, Byakko used their power and broke No Longer Human's mask that his face began to bleed," Oda said. Everyone was shocked.

"Was it blue?" Chuuya asks. Oda nodded his head. "Right, every ability has a different colour of their blood," Paul said as his ability, which looked like a big demonic bird, placed their head onto Paul's open hands. And Paul began to pat the bird's head. "But, Byakko also mentioned our abilities are immortal," Oda said. "Well, they are. But, they still die with us till they go to Byakko's mindscape." Kouyou said. Soon they heard the door open. "Is it Dazai?" Rimbaud said. Soon Atsushi came inside. "Oh, hello," Atsushi said with a smile. "Atsushi! I have so many questions about you! Can you-!" Kouyou, Chuuya, Rimbaud, and Paul's eyes widened when they saw a person behind Atsushi. Behind Atsushi was the most known Russian terrorist from their past life, namely Fyodor Dostoevsky. "Why is he here?!" Chuuya said as he pointed at Fyodor. "How rude," Fyodor said with a Russian accent of his. "Rude?!" Chuuya said. "Please, calm down..." Atsushi said. "Atsushi! That man is the whole reason we died in our past lives! Same with Fukuchi!" Kouyou said. Atsushi sighed as Fyodor looked at her. He just patted her back. "I expected that kind of reaction." He said.

"Hey! Get your hands out of-!" Before Chuuya could say anything, before his ability, For the Tainted Sorrow held his mouth shut. "Please calm down. Crime and Punishment explained Dostoevsky-san about everything and he was all good. I hope..." Atsushi said. "It relaxes me that no one dies by my touch," Fyodor said as he looked at his hands. "So, your ability lets you kill people by your touch?" Oda asks. "That's right," Fyodor said as Atsushi walked to the kitchen. "So, you are not a terrorist?" Kouyou asks as For the Tainted Sorrow lets go of Chuuya. "Well, I am a terrorist," Fyodor said. The past Mafiosos held their guard up. "But with my music spreading around. Not with bombs." Fyodor said. The mafiosos took away their supposed weapon. "You are a cello player, right?" Atsushi asks. "That's right. And you can call me Fyodor. I just feel bad for your tongue just to say my hard last name." Fyodor said. "Thank you Fyodor-san," Atsushi said. "I wanted to ask you, do you want teas?" Atsushi said. "I would love to drink your tea Atsushi," Oda said. "Us too!" Paul and Rimbaud said. Atsushi smiled. "I guess tea doesn't hurt us," Kouyou said as she sat down. Then Atsushi walked back to the kitchen. But she stopped. "And you too, Fyodor-san?" Atsushi asks. "I would love," Fyodor said. Then Atsushi left.

"It's kind of strange to see you all changed now after what you have done," Kouyou said as Oda made the table bigger and Flawless brought more chairs. "Well, it is all in the past now," Fyodor said as he sat on the chair. "Well, at least you are not doing anything terrorism," Kouyou said as she sat on the chair. Rimbaud quickly and silently to the kitchen to ask some questions for Atsushi. "But, what will you do?" Paul asks. "Hm? I'm just a nice immigrant who wants to move to Japan and mix two cultures." Fyodor said. "Ah, so you play, what, violin?" Oda asks as he notices the cellophane bag. "It's a cello," Fyodor said. "Huh, so you are a cello player," Kouyou said. "My hobby was playing cello since my past life," Fyodor said. Others were surprised. "I see..." Kouyou said.

Soon Atsushi with Rimbaud came inside as the white-haired girl held the tray with the teas. "Here," Atsushi said as she placed the tray on the table. "Thank you, Atsushi," Oda said as he took his cup of tea. "By the way, Atsushi. You are close to the end of the second year, right?" Paul asks as Atsushi gives the cup to Chuuya. "Um, that's right. I guess, it's been a year now since I got back my memories." Atsushi said as Chuuya held the cup. "Do you have plans for what you will do after you are done with school? Any college?" Paul asks. Atsushi flinched when she heard that, and she nearly spilt the tea on herself. Kouyou reacted quickly and made sure Atsushi didn't get burned by the hot-coloured water. "Um, that..." Atsushi said as she looked away with panic in her eyes. "Atsushi?" Oda called his daughter with worry. Rimbaud held his hands on her shoulder and he felt she was shaking. "Um, Atsushi, shall we go and relax a little? Surely you worked hard on the tea!" Rimbaud said as he was dragging the girl after Kouyou received her tea. Others found it strange.

"Worst question to ever ask." Crime and Punishment said as the shiny dark purple man with a long cape with fur and white ushanka with gemstones on the hat appeared. "Is it? It's a basic thing to ask for a high school student." Paul said as he looked at Fyodor's ability. "Not for Atsushi." Crime and Punishment said. "Is it really a sensitive thing for her?" Kouyou asks. "I mean, Atsushi went through a lot, even if it has been 6 years in this world." Golden Demon said. "But what she went through..." Flawless said as next to them floated an hourglass with a long black ribbon tied to it. "Is that?" Oda said. "Atsushi's life. Every human has their watches of life." Flawless said as the hourglass came close to Oda, and the man just gently held the hourglass with purple and yellow sand inside of the glass. "But, why would Atsushi even react that way?" Paul asks.

"You don't understand?! Atsushi's dream was only to go to the high school! And then start working!" Golden Demon said. Everyone was shocked. "Only high school? But, I can also help with the college, I mean, the next year she needs to think about college and university." Oda said. "But, she feels guilty to even let pay for her as, she is your adoptive child, not blood-related." Golden Demon said. Everyone was shocked. Soon Rimbaud came downstairs. "How is she?" Paul asks as Rimbaud is close to him. "Well, she is likely to have a panic attack. I let her rest a little and she is now resting." Rimbaud said. "I never knew that my curiosity would lead to this way," Paul said as he looked down. Rimabud just held his hand on Paul's shoulder. "But how come Atsushi's wish was to attend the high school?" Oda asks as he lets go of the hourglass and they fly to Flawless. "Naomi gave him stories about her life in the school," Dazai said. Everyone turned around and saw Dazai walking inside. "Dazai? Were you done with what you were planning?" Oda asks. "Yep. I even bought what Atsushi asked. And hello to you too, Rat." Dazai said. Fyodor smiled as an evil aura was easy to feel. 'these two never change...' Chuuya thought.

"Is Naomi, someone from the Agency?" Oda asks. "That's her. And Atsushi only wished to go there, and nothing else. Since he did not get a proper education from the orphanage in the past life." Dazai said as No Longer Human appeared and they and Crime and Punishment just looked at each other. "And, do you know where she wants to work?" Paul asks. Dazai shrugged his shoulders. "No idea." He said. "I mean, she can easily work somewhere where people doing teas. Her tea is actually a good one." Oda said as he made a sip of it. "Atsushi most of the time drank coffee, I guess, her taste just changed," Dazai said as he walked to the kitchen. "Is Sudarynya* here?" Crime and Punishment asks. "Somewhere. I guess." No Longer Human said as they looked around. "Here she is," Dazai said as he pointed somewhere. The abilities came close to the room, it was a small office and saw Byakko sitting on her knees on the pillow as her eyes were shining while reading the Book. "Still reading it?" No Longer Human said as they and other abilities walked away to not disturb. "Was she always like this?" Golden Demon asks. "Ever since that attack last year," Flawless said. Fyodor looked at the abilities as they walked away to be away. "What was that word that your ability said?" Chuuya asks as Dazai comes and brings the cake. "Ah, it is an old word for the lady in Russian," Fyodor said. "Ah, well that explains it," Dazai said as he sat down.

sudarynya= madam

It was common to call like that the noblewoman in the Russian Empire or in the Russian Republic.

(1687 Words)

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