Chapter 5

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Ango was placing the books on the shelf with a bright smile on his face. "Ango-kun, you've been smiling for days. Did something good happen?" A coworker of Ango's asks. "Hm, no, I'm just happy," Ango said. 'I'm just happy I'm not overworking like my job in my first life....' Ango thought as he got the imagination of him working late at night on his computer. "I see." The coworker said. Soon Ango placed the last book on the shelf, when, he noticed someone familiar. 'Atsushi-kun?' He thought and walked up to the person. Atsushi was sitting on the chair as she was reading books and writing in her notebook. "Hi, Atsushi-kun," Ango said as he came up. "Ah, Ango-san, hello..." Atsushi said. "How is school? I heard it was your first day." Ango said as he sat on the chair in front of Atsushi. "It was, well, hard..." Atsushi said. "Hard? Why is that?" Ango asks. "It's just, there are a lot of people, and, I can't write my hobby on the break as other students come up and ask me to let them read my book..." Atsushi said. "Is that so? Well, you can find someone with the same hobby of writing or drawing." Ango said. "As if I find one, most of my classmates are extroverts like Dazai..." Atsushi said. 'Well, he is in both first life and current life...' Ango thought. "Hey, Ango-san?" "Hm?" Ango looked up to see his coworker. "Your shift is over. Ah, hello Atsushi-kun." The woman said. "Ah, shall I follow you off?" He asks. "Yea, thanks..." Atsushi said.

"Sorry, I came late..." Ango said as he came inside. "It's ok," Oda said. "Did I miss something?" Ango asks. "Well, a lot, but we will tell you later. But anyway, back to the topic, we cannot be sure if Atsushi is behind with this world." Yosano said. "Um, what about Atsushi-kun?" Ango asks. "Atsushi is somewhat behind with this world. Akutagawa found Atsushi's signature on the drawing. Every drawing." Oda said. Ranpo's ability showed Ango's profile with the drawing. Ango moved his glasses back and there he saw A.N.'s signature. "Atsushi-kun's signature?" Ango said. "You know the signature?" Kouyou asks. "Atsushi-kun most of the time writes like this in her notebooks," Ango said. "Ah, I see..." Kouyou said. "So, you think Atsushi-kun made this world?" Ango asks. "That's what we think. As her ability, is the guardian of the Book." Fukuzawa said as one cat came to his lap and Fukuzawa began to pat the cat. Ango was surprised. "But we have no idea how to prove it," Fukuzawa said. "So, any idea on what to do?" Ango asks. "I guess, we could ask Atsushi about her ability," Oda asks. "There is no way she would tell you this. It can be that she will not know that she has an ability. Since in the past life, she also didn't know about her ability." Ranpo said. "I think she wouldn't know the ability this lifetime," Kouyou said. Others became silent.

In a white room, Atsushi was drawing Ranpo as Ranpo's new ability was holding the book where Atsushi draws. "You really will make a new world?" Byakko asks as they were sitting on their knees on the pillow as they were drinking tea. "Of course, that was part of the agreement. I will draw how new abilities will look like the same as my friends who will keep their memory, and, I will draw myself too, but, you know the promise." Atsushi said as he turned around to look at his ability. Byakko shrugged their shoulder. Soon Demon Snow hugged Atsushi from behind. Atsushi smiled sadly as he held his hand gently on Demon Snow's cheek. Then he was done drawing Ranpo, and another blank page appeared. And Atsushi began to draw Kyouka's parents. "Parents?"Byakko asks. "I want her to live with her family that she lost at a young age. She deserves them." Atsushi said as another page was appearing info. Demon Snow nuzzled her face on Atsushi's neck. "You are doing a bad thing...." Demon Snow's female demonic soft voice said. Atsushi stopped moving the pencil. Rashomon, in their dragon form, looked up as they were resting on Atsushi's lap. "Others deserve better than me..." Atsushi said. Soon Rashomon jumped from Atsushi's lap and became bigger and they hugged Atsushi. Atsushi patted the dragon's hand that held him around. "Thank you, Rashomon. And, could you tell your user when he is reborn?" Atsushi asks as Rashomon broke the hug. The dragon tilted their head. Then Atsushi held the head and whispered something. Rashomon's red eyes widen. "You do? On the age when he met me for the first time, promise?" Atsushi asks with a sad smile of his. Rashomon made a sad growl as they opened their mouth, but soon closed their eyes and nodded as tears were rolling down. Atsushi whipped the tear away. The dragon looked at Atsushi. And Atsushi gave a kiss on the dragon's forehead. "You sure you want our users to have memories?" All Men Are Equal asks as they came up they wore the same yukata and haori that Fukuzawa wore as their hair was long and floating while next to him was Vita Sexualis, a young teenage girl with long blonde hair was floating around, and she wore a mixture of western dress and Japanese kimono with a lot of jewelry on her, as pearls were on her hair. "I'm sure..." Atsushi said as he made Rashomon's head rest on his lap and continue to draw. "And you want them to hate you?" Vita Sexualis asks as she held a knee-length maroon scarf that she wore, to keep the memory of her user. Atsushi stopped moving his hand. Byakko looked up. "That would be better, for me, and for others..." Atsushi said. The abilities looked at each other as Byakko made a sip of their tea and in front of them was Golden Demon.

Atsushi gasped as she sat up on her bed. She was breathing heavily. Then she stood up after she pushed her blanket and walked to her desk. As she came up, she opened a little chest, and there it was. A pale blue light ball with a crack. 'Why....?' She thought. Soon Byakko appeared with a female body. "What did you do?!" Atsushi said. "Why am I the problem?" Byakko asks with a mixture of female and male voices. "My memories of my past life! You told me that there is my memory of my past life, and, I should not receive them!" Atsushi said. "I know what I said, but, you are actually breaking it," Byakko said. "What?! What did I do?!" Atsushi said. "Because you are the adoptive sibling of the man that you know from your past life! And, a classmate of someone you know also." Byakko said. Atsushi was surprised. "I know Dazai, from my past life...? And Akutagawa too?" Atsushi said. Byakko looked at their current user looking at her memory crystal ball. "I already gave you a warning, to not be close with that person, since, you wanted that. You know why you asked for this?" Byakko asks. "Because, I don't want them to suffer like in the past life, and, it would be better not to be close with or if they would love me..." Atsushi said. "That is what I told you, and you told me this later on..." Atsushi said. Byakko nodded their head. "This shatter, I cannot do anything at all, you shall live with this now," Byakko said as they pointed at the shattered part of the ball. "I understand, but, where is the Book? That one that I killed myself with?" Atsushi asks as she placed the crystal ball back in its place. Byakko pointed at one of the drawers on Atsushi's desk. "But you know, there is a lock on it, since, you don't want to know the past life," Byakko said. "I know. That makes me calm. Anyway, I'm going to sleep now." Atsushi said as she closed the small chest and she went back to her bed. Byakko disappeared, and Atsushi lay on her bed and tried to sleep now.

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