Chapter 4

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When the two finally at the isolate place, Rimuru gazed at Naruto. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

Naruto smiled, "It was about the service I would like to provide in this village. It didn't felt right for me to stay around without providing my service toward the village, moreover I would be getting my own subordinate and had them stay here too. So, I was thinking. It is okay, I can provide an ANBU/ninja unit for the village. Scouting, infiltration, intelligent, assassination, spy, messenger, frontline fighter, tracker and a medic, anything that relate with military power but undercover. I will have the foxes in the unit if they like to join and they will go under my training to see if they qualified in the ninja unit. It's also open to your subordinate if they would like to join, but not after passing my test for the qualification. For the mission, only the classified and important mission would be under your command and approval. What do you think?" suggested the blonde neutrally.

Rimuru have his hand on his chin, in thought. It's good idea, it would also give Naruto something to do and he also would like to see how Naruto leading the military since Naruto have said to him that he was former leader of his military village. And he sure that Naruto is a good leader for his village, it just fate wasn't on his side to have the blonde to lead for long.

Think about leadership, Rimuru suddenly got an idea.

The slime boy then nodded, "I think it's a good idea. I approve of that. But, I have a proposition. Would it be okay for me to ask you to be my advisor and partner?"

Naruto blinked dazedly and frown, "You want me to be your advisor and partner?" question the blonde kitsune perplexedly.

Rimuru nodded, "Yes, since you have a leading experience and known what should to look at. I thought, getting the advice for the experience would help me on how to run the village better including politics since I'm sure we would be in contact with other country for political purpose."

Naruto closed his eyes in thought, hand on his chin. That wasn't bad proposal, that way he have his purpose of keep loyal and protect this village. Moreover, he indebted to Rimuru for saving his life and give him a new home. And the slime haven't done nothing but being nice to him so far. So, to pay back his generosity, Naruto decided to protect everything Rimuru cherished including this village.

Decided of his decision, Naruto opened his eyes to looked at the golden eyes of Rimuru. He then smiled softly and nodded, "I'll accept your proposal. Then, Rimuru..." he held his hand for Rimuru and the bluish boy accepted the hand without hesitant.

"It was an honor to work with you, Rimuru. Hope, everything worked well together between us."


The next morning...

Both Naruto and Rimuru was visited by they would be subordinate at their own hut.

Naruto looked at all the foxes in front of him and nodded firmly, "As a promise to make you guys my subordinate. I would like to give you names to prove you're my subordinates."

The foxes gasped in eyes widened, "Really, Naruto-sama?"

Naruto nodded, "Yeah, it hard to call each of you if you don't have a name. Besides, I need you guys to help me in my shinobi unit." remarked him casually.

Hearing this, all the foxes exclaim in enthusiastic and joy. "Thank you, Naruto-sama. We would gladly accept the name you will give."

Naruto nodded and turn to Rigur that just came into his hut, "Rigur, great timing. Can you be a witness for this naming ritual? It easier to explain to Rimuru and the others when this guys suddenly started to evolve." explain the blonde to the hobgoblin neutrally.

I'll Take this Second Chance to The Fullest (Naruto x Tensura Slime Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now