Chapter 13

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A week later...

The town progressed nicely. With Vesta, the production of potions increased.

Rimuru was observing the construction of school for the children. Having the children know how to read, write and calculate at the early age while also have them learn a magic basic were surely a good idea, helpful and convenience. At the same time, he reflected on his town.

The farm produced enough to see to other countries. The potions were a work in progress, but the production rate was satisfying, and the homes were all built for the villagers. It is a golden age for them. Plus, training for the Tempest Wolf continued. Under Naruto's guidance, they became stronger day by day. The security of the village was perfect and with Yukichi's (one of the Tempest Wolf that was being named by Naruto) leadership.

Since Ranga was assigned to be one of Rimuru's bodyguard. They need someone else took the lead in the security unit and so Naruto choose Ranga's little brother to lead the pack and name him. Unlike his brother that suck of deception and always excited whenever Rimuru's attention on him, Yukichi on another hand was good at it and can composed his excitement quickly.

After Yukichi was bestowed a name, he was evolved into a Werewolf. Well, unlike the lycanthrope werewolf that can turn from majin to furry werewolf. Yukichi appearance was more like half human half wolf (like a human with wolf ears and tail), but he can also turn into full wolf whenever he wanted too. (A/N: If I haven't mention it yet. The kitsunes also have the ability to turn into full foxes too, and the ability to shapeshift)

And so, Naruto teach and train Yukichi in magic sense so he can detect the intruder or wild monsters that came into his radar. Yukichi now can expand his sense about 20 miles from his vicinity and it was thanks to Naruto's training.

With his training going well, Naruto assigned for Yukichi to lead the security unit with Gobta as his assistance. And for his ANBU, he had them scout the area while keep an eye on suspicious activities. All for that is for the safety of the village. And Naruto would be damned if anything happen to the place where he had hold precious for the second time.


*At the Ice Continent*

Guy Crimson, the first and oldest demon lord, watching the country that was lay on the Great Forest of Jura with interest. Especially at the two individual that pique his curiosity but one of them caught his attention the most.

While he watched in amusement at bluish haired boy that cried in embarrassment while he running through the streets of Tempest in order to escape for two female kijin from getting cross-dressed by them, Guy's attention was completely on other individual.

Guy gazed at his crystal ball that projecting the scene of the golden fox playing with goblins children. For some reason, Guy felt like there is something special about the blonde, that the red primordial demon can't take his eyes off from him.

"Say, who is that I wonder?" Guy ask to both of his maid that was stood guard in the room. "From what I gather, he is Uzumaki Naruto, a Kyuubi Kitsune, a rare divine beast. He is a current guardian of the Great Forest of Jura and also a co-leader of the Jura Tempest Federation besides Rimuru Tempest, the unique slime." answered green haired maid name Misery.

"Heh, interesting." said Guy impressively while still have his eyes on the blonde kitsune.

He didn't know why he felt like this but he won't be complaining if he can watch that beautiful face everyday if he wanted too.

Guy sighed dreamily while looking at the beautiful face of the golden fox. That stunning golden hair, a dazzling blue eyes, a perfect fair skin, a rose plump lips, an adorable whiskers mark, two pairs of fluffy fox ears, nine long fluffy tails and a lean yet well-built body.

I'll Take this Second Chance to The Fullest (Naruto x Tensura Slime Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now