Chapter 5

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After Naruto reveal the secret that he was an otherworlder, he left the hut, didn't have an intention on telling them his story or sharing his bad past to them. He decided to have only Rimuru to know his dark past because he didn't feel really like going back to his memories. A memories that was so dark and gloomy, that it would make people thrown up their meal when they see it for themselves and curled in fear of seeing that nightmare again.

He left telling them that he would be out training the kitsune for their new training regime. After all, he would be needing them in ninja unit and serve their protection for the village.

Izumi and Tomoe followed after him, thrilled to show their master what they capable off and show him their most loyalty.


Three days later...


Only darkness that Rimuru seen. At that time, he was thinking. Are his dead?

"Shion, it's time to switch places." He then suddenly heard the soft and sweet voice of a girl near him, like she was speaking to someone.

"Oh, no, Princess. I will look after Rimuru-sama. Please get some rest." Another voice replied and was heard by Rimuru again.

"Really, Shion..." a soft voice spoke again in resignation.

"H-Huh?" Rimuru with his slime body looks like were opening his eyes and didn't realize he was carried by the purple ogre.

Both of the girls with different colored hair noticed that Rimuru had awake, smiled happily. "Rimuru-sama, good morning!"

The slime named Rimuru gazed at the two, looked confused. "Um... Who are you again?" he asked. But then he felt like he remembered something, "Wait... My memory's a little fuzzy, but I think I was about to name the Ogres when... Huh?"

Rimuru stop from his thought when a voice spoke to him, "Have you awakened, Rimuru-sama?"

The slime then turned to the voice in front of him, he caught the sight of a young man with red hair with two black horns on his forehead.

"You're the 'young master' of the Ogres, right?" state Rimuru unsurely.

The man then answered firmly, "Correct. I have evolved into a Kijin, and I have assumed the name you gave me: Benimaru." said Benimaru respectfully.

With that statement, Rimuru then remembered what truly happened. 'Oh! I remember now! I went into sleep mode the moment I named him! Wait, what did he say? [Kijin] ? Not [Ogre] ?'

{{Report: [Kijin] refers to a race of being uncommonly born of Ogres.}}

'Huh... His body looks... a little smaller? The amount of magicules in him has exploded, though... Is this a repeat of the Rigurd shock?! This means he evolved from an Ogre to a Kijin, right?' thought him.

"Rimuru-sama, I am Shuna. I'm so glad to see that you've awakened." spoke the girl with pink hair next and caress Rimuru side cheek in fondness, making Rimuru blush pleasantly.

'Shuna... Right, she's the Ogre princess. She was already cute, but she's even prettier now!' thought the slime pleasantly and then turn to one that lay him on her lap.

"I am Shion. I'm very fond of the name you gave me, Rimuru-sama." spoke the Kijin girl.

'This busty beauty is Shion? She look less wild and more intelligent now.' Joke Rimuru in his mind.

"And the one behind Benimaru... is the old man who cut off my arm. Hakurou, right?" remark the slime teasingly.

The old man laugh in humor, "Such a mean-spirited remark. It was I who felt shocked when you instantly regenerated your arm."

I'll Take this Second Chance to The Fullest (Naruto x Tensura Slime Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now