Chapter 8

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At the training ground, we can see Naruto were teaching Rimuru a taijutsu. A water style taijutsu that he knew would suite well with Rimuru's slime body.

The blonde kitsune teach him the flexibility of the martial arts, as its movement are all as smooth as running water. Rimuru follow his instruction diligently and Naruto was proud at his fast progress of his training.

"You're doing great, Rimuru. Keep that up and I'm sure you will master it." praise Naruto by the end of their lesson.

Rimuru took a breath and grinned ecstatically at his sensei, "Thank you, Naruto-sensei." chirp him delightedly.

"Now then, let's move on too your mana control and skills lesson." instructed Naruto neutrally.

Rimuru nodded with a grin, "Hai, shishou."

Time skip...

Rimuru gazed at the envoy of lizardman in front of him blankly, Naruto that was standing beside him stared at the envoy with a bored look in his blue eyes.

Gabiru, the envoy of the lizardman group came to their village and claim to purged his command and leadership or something nonsense like that. Saying that he will protect them and they should be honor to be in his protection.

In Rimuru and Naruto mind, they thought this envoy is an idiot, arrogant and overconfident. They concluded that the lizardman were acting like this is probably because for receiving a name. Foolishly bark a non-existent superiority of him.

Naruto eyed the envoy and scoffed, "This one is sure a full of himself, if he put out his idiocy and pride for a second, he can notice our mana and aura are more superior than him." murmured him in matter of fact. Rimuru and the others nodded at his statement in agreement.

Rimuru took a breath to calm himself before answering the envoy. "My name is Rimuru Tempest, the leader of this village. What do you need from us?" the slime asked. Gabiru eyed the supposed leader before snorting.

"Really? A slime is the leader? Do the goblins, Elemental foxes and ogres this naïve to consider a slime their leader?" he said before pointing at them. "I will not be deceived by you, slime. Show me the true leader."

"You're so cool, Gabiru-sama!" exclaimed the lizards.

"This is our leader right there," exclaimed another. Rimuru and his gang watched with blank looks while Gabiru absorbed all the praises. Another lizards walked toward him, looking at the slime's group.

"Remember his name. He will be the next leader of the most powerful existing tribe." he said. Rimuru and Naruto was not impressed.

"What a showoff, trying to be a big shot. Him, the next leader? I pity the lizards tribe then," Naruto spoke in deadpan. Rimuru cleared his throat to change the subject.

"So, why are you here?" he asked. Gabiru came back to reality, looking aghast at the slime's question.

"Surely you jest. Didn't you hear?" he asked, mocking Rimuru. "The orcs have raised an army to conquer the forest. And I am here to rally the monsters here. Yes, I, Gabiru, will take you, weakling, under my protection." He finished in a theatrical position. "Weakling!" he looked at the hobgoblins. "Weaklings..." he looked then at Naruto, Izumi, Benimaru and Hakurou. "...weaklings..." he finished with Shion or more precisely... "Wow" ...her chest. He regrouped with his friends.

"What is the meaning of this? I don't see goblins," he muttered to them.

"I don't know, Gabiru-sama." muttered one of them.

"Me too. It was supposed to be a goblins village," another one said. Rimuru's group sweat dropped at their inner discussion, Naruto shook his head, totally unimpressed. But Rimuru felt Shion's grip tightening.

I'll Take this Second Chance to The Fullest (Naruto x Tensura Slime Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now