Part 3

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Stan and Dipper got then tent and stuff ready, while also making a fire-spot by digging a flat space and placing stones. Wasn't too difficult.

They all sat around the fire on large logs. It was a bit bright outside, yet getting darker every minute.
"Scary story?" Mabel asked. Stan chuckled and began to make up some story in his head while telling everyone. Dipper and Ford tuned him out, and Bill started waking up.

Bill noticed he was in Ford's holding. He slightly blushed, yet unnoticeable, and pretended to be asleep just to stay in that position for longer. 

Soon enough, night strolled along, and Dipper was forced to get some sticks. Once he came back, Stan got out the marshmallows.
Bill finally decided to stop and pretended to wake up.

"Finally," Ford said, taking Bill off and sitting him beside him. 

Everyone was given a stick and roasted the marshmallows on the fire. Stan finished telling the story, and silence was drummed up again.

"So, now what?" Mabel asked, looking in Bill's direction. Bill noticed she was looking. He looked to the left and right, then back at her with a confused expression. She nodded, confirming that.

"Uh, I dunno... Why are you asking me?" Bill asked. She shrugged, "I guess I assumed that since you were alive the longest that you knew more," She replied.
"True. Is there anything you know, really interesting that happened?" Dipper asked.

"Nope, but I can spice it up with some lies and stuff," Bill chuckled before stopping, remembering what happened with Ford and all. He cleared his non-existent throat.

"Alright," Dipper and Mabel said in sync.
"The aliens were enslaved by the Egyptians to build the pyramids," Bill made up, "That's why aliens are rare."

"Well, that's weird," Stan spoke the obvious.

"Hm... Selling Deer Teeth is illegal in some dimensions due to being cursed objects," Bill said. "That one isn't a lie, though."

"Wait, what?" Dipper asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah. I mean, Deer Teeth is expensive yet very cursed. The exact reason I gave them to Gideon at first. The little rat dropped them on the ground out of fear, so I put them back," Bill said, then taking the marshmallow out of the fire. It was completely burnt to a black crisp and still on fire.

Bill watched it burn before blowing it out and eating it.

When he opened his eye again, everyone (but Ford) was staring in confusion. "What?" Bill asked, looking around, before licking around his eye. "There something on my face?"

"No, it's because they didn't know about the whole 'eyemouth' thing," Ford stated.
"Oh. Well, quit staring, it makes me uncomfortable." They then looked away.


They finished having their s'mores and went in the tent, Stan telling scary storied with a flashlight. That was what was truly terrifying... Well, to Bill, at least. Everyone else was used to it.

Bill fell asleep before everyone else. Mabel took pictures of the sleeping Bill.
After a couple minutes of silence, everyone had fallen asleep, Ford obviously being the last.

But Mabel was fake sleeping, waiting for Ford to fall asleep before placing Bill to where Ford was in a cuddling position. Carefully.  Ford was a light sleeper. She giggled silently, then got back to her sleeping spot, going to sleep.


Everyone woke up to a yell coming from both Bill and Ford. They seemed to notice Mabel little stunt.

"What the hell were you doing?!" Ford yelled at Bill. "I don't know! I don't remember being right there!" Bill yelled back.

"Maybe... He sleep-walked?" Mabel said, covering up for what she did. But Stan found out and tried not to laugh.

"Oh, and what's so funny, Stanley?" Ford asked, annoyed.
"N-Nothing. Just remembered something from, uh... The Dutchess, ya know?" Stan lied.

"Ah, alright." Once Stan brought up that show, Ford wanted nothing to do with it.

Bill, on the other hand, was pulling up his sweater to cover the building blush on his cheeks.
Mabel noticed this and giggled.

"Ooh! Is someone blushing?" Mabel asked.

Everyone turned to Bill.

God, if only Bill had his powers back so he could snap his fingers and dissappear...

"N-No! I- Uh... I-I'm embarrassed! Anyone would be!" Bill stuttered.
Bill saw Mabel's grinning face behind the flabbergasted Stan and Dipper.

Bill gasped dramatically, "Evil!" He pointed at Mabel. They turned to her.
Bill took this chance and tried sneaking out of the tent, only for Ford to grab his leg. Bill felt heat rise through his entire body.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ford asked, scolding Bill for trying to leave.
"Uh- I'm, uh... Gonna go panic and stress-eat some charcoal..." He admitted.

Ford sighed and let go. "Fine, but if you're going, I'm going with," He got up and out of the tent along with Bill.

It was an early, chilly morning, and the fireplace was still a bit smokey.
Ford sat down on one of the logs. Bill grabbed some charcoal and sat with Ford, starting to munch on it.

"So, what just happened?" Bill asked, not looking Ford in they eye.
"I'm not too sure..." Ford replied.

There was a bit of silence.

"What was all that for?"
"Whaddaya mean?"
"I mean... snuggling up to me.."
"Oh, that... Right... Uh... I promise, it wasn't me! I'm pretty sure Shooting Star put me like that, but that's an assumption."
"Ah, I see.... Seems like something she'd do, yet why with us?"
"That part I'm not sure about..."

More silence.

"Ya think she ships us?" Bill asked.
"What's shipping?" Ford asked in return, slightly confused, looking in Bill's direction. Bill glanced at Ford but immediately faced forward.
"Well... How do I put this... It's when someone thinks two people should be together... romantically..." Bill explains.
"So she thinks we should be dating?" Ford asked, absolutely flabbergasted by that assumption.
"Yes..." Bill takes a chomp out of charcoal.
Ford looks forward once more. "Oh..."

Silence, once more.

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