A cure to the sickness

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A ringing alarm clock wakes up a Robloxian, making him press the button on the top in a panic. He lays back down on the bed, his body is feeling a bit weak.

" I feel weak... Should I really get up? "

After a few tries, he gets up and heads to the bathroom to change into his clothes. He makes himself some breakfast, which is just toast and butter. He takes his headset and connects it to his phone.

He opens the door to a cold and sunny day in his neighborhood. Some stretches later, and he walks to the town street. It is not always so busy there.

Some of his neighbors also walk around here, he would always greet them.

" Good mornin', Ade, the weather is looking nice today, am I right? "

" Y.. yes... "

" Oh, are you okay there? "

" Y.. Yes, I'm good. "

Ade says as he waves back to his neighbor and continues on his walk.

He checks his phone, it shows " 12:58 p.m. " now.

" My friend wants to talk to me about something. If I know, he likes to hang out at a café around here.. "

He walks to the café and by his prediction, is right. His friend waves at him with excitement. He sits next to him.

His friend talks to him about everything he likes and the things he finds interesting. Ade sometimes talk to him, he mostly listens in to the conversation before he speaks.

The television starts to play the news, and something in there catches his friend's interest. It is an interview with a famous doctor.

" ADE! Do you know this guy? "

Ade's friend points at the doctor in the telly.

" N... no? "

" This doctor is good at everything! He can make robotic inventions and- "

Ade sneezes.

" S.. sorry... I don't feel really well this morning... "

" ... It's ok, Ade. You can see the doctor, while I can stay here and watch the interview. Before you go, have this. "

His friend gives him a face mask.

" T.. Thank you.. "

Ade leaves the café with the mask on his face. At the clinic, after a check-up, the doctor looks closely at the symptoms and looks to Ade.

" Ade, it seems that you have a flu, luckily you wore that face mask. "

" How long do I need to rest, doctor? "

" Maybe for a day, the nurse will give you the prescription soon enough. "

" Thank you, doctor... "

While waiting on the clinic seat, Ade takes a glimpse into the interview.

" Wow, the interviewer has a lot of questions to ask this doctor. "

" Ade, your prescription is ready. "

He gets up from his seat and takes the paper from the nurse after thanking him. He looks at the paper and finds a medicine he never know exists.

" Fizzling tablets? "

He walks to the pharmacy to get the medicine, and is already finding the medicine for sale. He pays the medicine, and is on his way home, he hears some Robloxians talking about their concern over this tablet.

Back home, he prepares some food and a glass of water. After finishing his food, he takes the medicine.

" This is weird... why is it glowing? " Ade observes the tablet in his hand before taking a quick breath and swallowing it.

The tablet fizzes in his throat, making him drink the water to get rid of the fizzing. He looks at the prescription again to see how much he needs to take, he worries for a while, then calms down, thinking that it will be okay.

The next day, he stays at home to rest from the flu. After he takes two tablets, by his prescription, he decides to order some takeout to save for dinner later.

The Uber driver knocks on the door after 20 minutes. When he answers the Uber driver's knock, he starts to see something. Three robloxians are walking down the street, and they don't look like normal robloxians.

The three robloxians have horns, and wear clothes that a normal robloxian wouldn't wear, unless they are attending a party. He stares at the trio when the Uber driver interrupts him.

Ade apologizes and takes the food from the driver's hand. Before he goes back inside his house, he takes one more look at the trio, and one of the three must've feel that he is seen. One of the three robloxians, looks back at Ade, making him retreat back into his house in awkwardness.

" T... they might have a party to attend to...t.. those horns might be a display, right? "

He says to himself as he places the food in the fridge. That night after his dinner and his last tablet, he questions about himself and the new tablets he buys from the pharmacy.

He sits on his bed and reads a blog post, some robloxians are spreading their concerns about their health with this ' tablet '. He gives himself a face palm before putting the phone away and goes to sleep.

The next day, he feels more energy flowing within. He does his usual work and goes outside to the street. He waves to his neighbors, but someone catches his eye, it was the two of those unique robloxians, one is carrying something to the jeep.

The other one watches him carry, and it seems that his right arm is gone. Feeling pity for the one carrying, he goes to help them.

" I'll help you with this. "

" Thank you. "

After putting all of the boxes onto the jeep, Ade waves at the two before leaving.

" Dad, who is that Phighter? "

" He's just a random passerby. "

Back to the café, his friend waves at him excitedly again. Ade waves back at him when he finds the trio, the same trio from the day before, sitting at a table, talking to each other.

Ade sweats in awkwardness. His friend looks at where he is looking and becomes a bit confused.

" Ade, are you okay? There is no one at that table. "

" I- I- I'm sorry, I have to go. "

" Ok? "

He immediately leaves the café and walks faster to his home.

" I must be seeing things, right?? "

He says to himself at the table.

" Am I seeing things? " ( Phighting AU )Where stories live. Discover now