Chapter 9- I Love You

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In Ichabod's and Y/n's Room, Baltus Van Tassel and Y/n stand at the side while Doctor Lancaster examines Ichabod's wound. Ichabod is asleep on his bed with his shirt open.

"Remarkable. A wound like this should've killed him. But it needs no stitch, and there's hardly a loss of blood." Suddenly Ichabod gasped awake, startling the three. "You must be still. The fever is on you."

Ichabod moves in pain. "Katrina" He whispers and the two men look at each other in confusion, while Y/n looks at him with worry.


In the kitchen, Katrina is mumbling over a boiling beaker. "Nostradamus mediamus, Milk of Mercy In Media Nos Laudamas." She walks towards the table and picks up a knife, she holds a dead crow and cuts off one foot. She throws it in the boiling beaker along with other leaves.


Katrina enters the room with the beaker of medicine and walks towards Ichabod who is still in pain. "Katrina, I tried to stop Brom, but..." Ichabod tries to speak, but Katrina shushes him. "Drink this down. It'll make you sleep." 

"The Horseman was not set to kill Brom, Y/n, or me. Had Brom not attacked him..." Ichabod once again tries to talk, but this time Baltus cuts him off. "Later. Rest now."

"We discovered something. The Horseman does not kill at random. His victims are chosen by someone who controls him. By that very person who took his skull. Someone who knew where to dig. Someone of flesh and blood, as we've always said."

"These are ravings." Baltus says.

"Drink." Katrina holds the beaker to Ichabod's lips and he drinks it, going back to sleep and having another one of his dreams.


Ichabod's Father walks down the white church and past Young Ichabod and Y/n, who are kneeling down and holding hands. They open the door and walk into to see many torture devices around them.

They stopped when they saw inside the Iron Maiden, Ichabod's Mother's eyes. Young Ichabod backs away, letting go of Young Y/n, and placing his hands on spikes. He cries out when he sees his hands and Young Y/n quickly grabs his wrist trying to comfort the both of them.

Suddenly the Iron Maiden opens up and Ichabod's Mother falls out with a bunch of blood flooding out.


Ichabod jerked up out of the dream and into Y/n's embrace. She was at first walking around the room when she heard Ichabod whine and when she sat down on the bed that is when he woke up. Ichabod looks around and when he suddenly remembers where he is, he begins to calm down and hold Y/n tighter.

"Is it that same dream again?" Y/n whispers.

"Yes." Ichabod sighs out. "They are becoming more than memories than a dream." Ichabod looked at his palm and saw blood coming out of the scars so he leaned back from Y/n. "I would prefer if they stay as dreams."

"Tell me what you dreamt or remember." Y/n says.

"You know my mother was an innocent. A child of nature. Condemned. Murder. By my father. Murdered to save her soul by a Bible-black tyrant behind a mask of righteousness." Ichabod remembers.

"It was when we were seven where we lost our faith. We started to believe in sense and reason. Cause and consequence." Y/n also remembers that horrible day, but it was also the day when Y/n knew she wanted to help people.

"We should not have come to this place, where my rational mind has been so controverted by the spirit world." Ichabod concludes, but Y/n thinks the opposite.

"There at least has to be one thing to take from Sleepy Hollow." Y/n grabs Ichabod's hand and their eyes meet. 

"No. No, not nothing. A kiss from a lovely young woman, who has been with me for all of my life. Who comforts me when I'm at my lowest." Ichabod smirks at her.

"Yes, because without her, who knows what would have happened if it was just you and your mind wondering about." Y/n smiles.

"Y/n, I have to tell you something I've been hiding from you for a very long time." Ichabod says.

"Tell me." Y/n urge.

"For as long as I can remember, you have always captured and held my heart. You were always by my side. I wanted to court you, but with what happened to your parents I thought it wasn't the right time. But every time I look at you, I can't stop these images of us together flashing in my mind." Ichabod takes a deep breath. "I love you, Y/n."

Y/n is shocked, but then smiles and leans into Ichabod, capturing his lips in hers. He is shocked, but slowly leans into the kiss. Y/n breaks the kiss and leans her forehead on his. 

"I always had feelings for you, too, Ichabod. I was just worried that you didn't have time to be with me because of this job and such." Y/n says truthfully.

"My dear, I will always have time for you." They look into each other once again. "I love you, Ichabod." They kiss once again and they both can feel the many years of feelings pouring out.

Ichabod grabs Y/n waist to pull her closer and she gasps in surprise, letting Ichabod deepen the kiss more. Y/n straddles Ichabod's lap, letting him be more comfortable, and she puts her hands in his hair, playing with it just how he likes it. 

Ichabod groans enjoying the feeling and he mindlessly moves his hands around her body, making goosebumps form underneath his touch. Suddenly, he puts his hand under her shirt and leaves a trail of goosebumps on her back. 

Y/n moves her head back in pleasure and this gives Ichabod a chance to kiss her neck. She moans and grabs his hair tighter and pulls it gently. Ichabod kisses every spot on her neck and when he finds her sweet spot, he focuses his attention on that area. Y/n moans his name out and moves closer to him.

Ichabod pulls away to see a hickey starting to form on her neck and he smirks in delight. Y/n pulls him into another kiss this time taking the lead and lays him down on the bed with her on top. She goes down kissing his jaw, neck, and chest, and goes back up to his neck. He moans in delight and when she hits a certain spot he grabs her hips to pull her in closer.

When she leans away they make eye contact, their eyes full of lust and love, they smile at each other and Ichabod grabs her to hug her tightly. They look at each other once more and share a slow and passionate kiss.

"I love you, Y/n."

"I love you, Ichabod."

They lay together and slowly they drifted off to sleep holding each other.


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