Chapter 7: idiot's Suspension

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Nina's POV:

I was still in my bed. It was seven in the morning. My day yesterday was the best in my life! My boyfriend loves me more than before, my enemy and his girlfriend hate me more than before and my enemy is going to be suspended today.


Why am I still in bed? That idiot is going to be suspended today. I should be going to school early today and see him getting scolded in front of the entire school!

I quickly got out of bed and took a shower. Then I picked up a plain blue shirt and a pair of torn jeans. Then I remembered something.

"Today that idiot is going to be suspended. It's going to be the best day of my life. Then why am I wearing something that's so boring? I should be wearing something special like yesterday.", I mumbled to myself.

I took out a nice pair of dark blue jeans. I quickly threw my boring shirt into my cupboard and wore a yellow Chiffon Lace Blouse. I tied my hair into a fishtail braid and placed matching colour hair band. I took out a green pair of t-bar sandals. I picked my bag as well as my books and ran out of my house after biding my parents a goodbye.

I told them whatever happened after winning the challenge. They chided me for being so childish. They told me to take back my words but I didn't bother doing that.

My driver had dropped me to school early. I saw Kathleen and Alex standing together. They looked as if they were worried. I went over to ask them what happened.

"Hey guys! What's wrong. Why are you looking so worried. Is there something wrong?", I asked them.

"The principal called for a gathering. I overheard that they are going to suspend a student. I think for a month if I'm not wrong.", Kathleen whispered. She didn't wanted anyone else to hear.

"That's great news! I'm so excited! That person deserves it.", I exclaimed.

"Do you even want to know who's that person? Maybe it's not the person that you are expecting.", Alex

"I know. But if you are so eager to tell me then please go ahead!", I mumbled.

Alex and Kathleen exchanged looks.

"That person is no other than you, Nina Snow Brown.", both of their voice chorused together.

I couldn't believe my ears. What was I hearing. It's was me! Oh I'm so dead! I looked at both of them.

"Oh I'm so dead! My parents will kick me out of my house! Damn it! That idiot must have down everything. I feel like hunting him down and eat him alive!"

"You know I got the right song in my head right now. Animals! It just suit your situation.", Alex joked with me.

Then suddenly both of them started to laugh.

"You idiots. Both of you were joking with me right. I knew it! Both of you will get it. Now let's go to the hall and wait for the most important person in this school to be kicked out!"

I knew it! They just wanted me to freak out for a moment.

We were waiting in the school hall. I saw our principal walking up the stage. We took our seats and sat down. I saw Darren follow behind her. So it's him! Yes!

"Good morning to all. I'm absolutely sorry for taking up your first lesson of the day. I deeply saddened by the announcement I'm going to make. One of the students here disrespected me and I had no choice but to suspend him from my school for a week. He no other than...."

I placed my hands on Alex's and Kathleen's hands. I'm so excited.

"Mr Darren Louis Gray."

At that point Darren came out and gave his best smile. He waved his hand in the air and gave a few flying kisses. I quickly stood up on my chair and began to give him a round of applause. I began to scream and shout and encourage him. But then I realized that everyone was staring at me so I sat down. How embarrassing.

"So, Mr Darren will be suspended for a week. Thank you. You may proceed to your classes."

I woke up and gave Kathleen a tight hug followed by Alex. Then I saw Lara walking. I ran to her and gave her a hug. Next to her was Darren. I was about to hug him when it came to me that I was doing something wrong.

"You did keep to your words Darren. I'm glad."

"I don't want to be like you Nina. Actually you are looking good today as well."

"Whatever. So I'll see you next week then. Bye loser!", I shouted and walked out of the hall.

I was standing at my lockers. I was busy keeping my books back when my phone rang. I saw the caller's name. It was my Dad. I immediately answered it.

"Hey dad! What's wrong. Why are you calling me?", I asked him cheerfully.

"Sweetheart! Listen to me carefully. The driver is coming to pick you up from school. Your mum fainted at home and now we are on our way to the hospital. Please come there. And remain calm."

That was the last words I heard before my dad disconnected the phone.

Is this the twist to my story?

Is this the punishment I'm getting for suspending that idiot?

Oh no!

That phone call.

It was going to pay a lot.

Hey guys!

Thanks for reading the chapter! My holidays have come to an end. I will try to publish one more chapter tomorrow before my school starts on Monday. After that I can only publish a chapter once a week.

Thank you!!

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