Chapter • 19

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It was night time, and cold air sorrounds me

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It was night time, and cold air sorrounds me

I ran going to my mission I was assigned too

My body was about to collapse, I didn't even do anything yet, except for running.. "Jeez what is happening?" I asked myself as a cold sweat appeared on my forrhead, my eyes were half shut, "I think I ate something weird at the Love Estate, but I sorta didn't feel anything when I ate" I nervously smiled thinking about it "I should just rest after killing this demon" I nodded to myself "This will be a piece of cake" I ran holding my sword the sheath of my sword

"Is it just me or is it getting cold right now?" I kept asking myself questions I can't even answer for myself

"Finally I'm here" I stopped in a deep dark forest, I do what I usually do and take a deep breathe before stepping inside, the only thing I was worried was, What the heck am I feeling right now!?

After I took another step forward

I dropped to my names and fell face front

Muichiro's POV:

I was assigned on a task, I didn't care what kind of missiom I'm doing, I ran to where the demon was located

I stopped as I met towards a dim Forest

I walked inside with a calm face

I then felt something on my foot that I didn't even see cause it was to dark

I accidentally leaned forwards almost making me trip

If I didn't care what I stumbled on, I wouldn't even notice or see her

"Y/n?" I mumbled, I saw her laying on the ground, was she unconscious?! I looked at her dumbfounded and also surprised, carried her body in bridal style "She's... Light..." I murmered and walked away carrying y/n in my arms

I was slightly blushing as I saw y/n's sleeping face, I shook my head from my weird manners "no, she's my fellow comrade, nothing else" I looked up as I grit my teeth and twitched my eyes, cold sweat dropped down my forrhead

I killed the demon with no scratch or no Injuries, just one of those Normal demons, I looked over to a tree I layed y/n on, she's still unconscious? I walked over her as I touched her forehead "..s-she's.." I grabbed her quickly and brought her to the butterfly mansion with her on my arms "She has a high fever" I narrowed my eyebrows as I sweatdropped

"Dammit, I was too focused, I didn't even check her Health whatsover" I rushed

"Why didn't I notice it earlier when I carried her" I thought

I hurriedly brought her to the butterfly mansion and knocked on the door hoping for someone to answer

"What is it!" The door opened wide and I saw a girl with pig tails, I forgot her name but that was not important "y-y/n.." I stuttered to say a word as the girl lowered her eyes "Ah-! Please come inside and bring her to Shinobu's Office" the girl gave space for us to come in and I immediately walked to shinobu's office "Why am I doing this?" I asked myself before I opened the door leading to the butterfly girl's office

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