2. Are you following me?

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I hadn't had much time to prepare for my weeks at work. But slowly but surely, I was getting the hang of it. My first day at work. I met my disgusting boss, who had no way of speaking to people, he shamelessly stared at women, uncomfortably and commented on my dressing. He said I should dress more 'my age', which I'm assuming he wanted me to show skin. Other than my creepy boss, I enjoyed working at the museum. Most of the time I sat in my office examining paperwork and looking through art portfolios to showcase or to purchase.

Life here was extremely different, it didn't feel as fast-paced and I genuinely had time to enjoy my life.

I had finally met up with my friend Adrianne, who was as amazing as I expected her to be. We already planned a girl's night out. She was going to take me to the hottest new clubs and show me around the town.

However, other than me enjoying my new job and my new friend. I had noticed something strange the last 2 weeks.


He happened to be at the coffee shop across the street from where I worked.

He happened to be at the grocery store close to my apartment.

And the other day, I saw him at the park while I was with my niece.

It was like he was everywhere I went. I had the urge to go up to him, but I was too scared that he'd reject me.


I walked around the main foyer of the museum. Walking towards my office. I turned my head and then I saw him. I knew I had to say something. There was absolutely no way that this was all coincidentally.

"What the fuck, have you been following me?" I shouted halting in my footsteps as the gorgeous man strolled into the Museum.


My one-night stand. After that one night, Soren left the country. I turned around. My back towards him, as I tried to contain my rapid heartbeat.

"Amore," he said lowly, his presence behind me. He looped his finger through one of my curls.

"That doesn't answer my question, Soren." I spat, before turning around to face him.

"Yes." He stated simply, no shame in hiding that he had been following me.

"W-Why?" I stuttered.

"I wanted to see if you were really here, or just my mind playing tricks on me." He responded stepping closer to me, backing me up against the wall.

My body immediately reacted as I started pressing my thighs together. He was the best sex I ever had. He treated me like gold and even bought me food before he disappeared. It took me months to get over the feeling of his body on mine.

His tattooed hand rose to caress my cheek. As his thumb dragged across my bottom lip.

"I haven't stopped thinking about these lips in a year." He growled, leaning closer to slightly bite my bottom lip. I moaned in response, my body turning to jelly under his gaze. His hands roamed down my body to my hips, as he slowly moved them to grip my ass, spreading my cheeks ever so slightly, causing a strangled noise to leave my lips.

"Soren, stop. I'm working." I managed to say, as I gently pushed him off me. He easily complied and he stepped back from me, shoving his hands into his pockets.

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