13. My Aurora

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I never felt this sort of rage and anger before. I never wanted to put a bullet through someone's skull so badly. Until that fucking bitch stabbed my Aurora.

I didn't even hesitate for a second when I pulled the trigger.

My heart fell to my feet when I saw the blood. And in that moment I hated myself for letting her get hurt. The dead bodies on the floor didn't faze me, but my Aurora, with blood stains splattered on her skin, made me feel uneasy.

I scooped her up in my arms and walked her to my car. Placing her gently in the back seat, I quickly dialled Giovanni to tell him about the bodies that lay in the hallway of the emergency exit in the museum. He knew what to do.

I made a quick call to St. Bridges Hospital, where a close family friend worked. She had been my doctor for years, ever since I became the head of the  Bianchi family. 

I belted down the freeway, Aurora still passed out, had my heart thumping hard against my chest. The sensation made me want to vomit.

Those sorry bastards deserved to suffer. But putting a bullet through the head of the man that hurt my Aurora was worth a million victories. The rage in me was heightened, but before I could even think of going on a rampage. I needed to make sure she was okay.

I rushed through the sterile hallway, with Aurora in my arms. The blood still smearing over my clothes and hers. I didn't know a shoulder wound could bleed so much until I saw the size of the deep cut that reached the back of her arm.

Dr Wilhelm had a special room located in the hospital, it wasn't anything illegal. She just often preferred working alone, especially for patients like my family.  She had a special ward, private obviously,  so that's where I ran.

I ran with Aurora in my arms. I didn't care how dishevelled I looked or how crazy I looked.

Aurora needed medical attention.

I burst into the ward and placed Aurora down on the bed before charging down the hall into Dr Wilhelms's office.

"Mr Bianchi," She greeted, standing up from her seat immediately. I followed her to Aurora.

I watched as she examined the wound on my beautiful Aurora's body. She made a string of noises that had my stomach dropping to my feet. I knew it wasn't anything too serious,  but I never wanted to see her hurt.

I sat anxiously on the seat watching Dr Wilhelm attend to Aurora. The wound on her arm was much larger than I anticipated, especially seeing it when all the blood had been cleaned up.

"The amount of blood loss will result in her being asleep for a few hours." Dr Wilhelm stated when she had finished stitching the wound.

I immediately stood up from my seat, I was extremely attentive to what she was telling me.

"The knife didn't touch any major veins, but it did tear the tissue in her arm."

"She'll need to wear an arm brace or sling to keep her from moving too much, it will help the healing process."

"These are some painkillers that should help her sleep in the night,  in case she has trouble falling asleep,"

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