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3 years later.

"I'm going to cry," I whined as I paced around the bathroom shaking my hands.

"Rora, babe you'll be fine," Adrianne comforted me.

Soren was out for the day with my grandfather and while I was on a call with Giovanni, planning Soren's 30th birthday,  I realised my period was late.  I knew this because, usually on birth control, your periods tend to be a little more consistent.

Yet, I quickly cut the call with Gio and opened up the period tracking app on my phone. I was a week and a half late.

So, you can imagine how panicked I was. I knew Soren wanted kids,  he had been speaking of having kids for a while. And even though I also wanted children someday, I didn't expect it to happen so soon. I immediately called Adrianne and she rushed over with a few home pregnancy tests.

And that's how we ended up here.  "How long more?" I asked, gnawing at my thumbnail.

"Just a few seconds," she eyed her watch and began to count down with her fingers.

"3, 2, 1, okay look,"

My heart thrummed hard in my chest as I reached for the pregnancy test.

The word pregnant displayed on the digital screen.

2 pink lines - the other test showed.

I was pregnant?

I was Pregnant!

I suddenly squealed with joy as tears pooled in my eyes. I threw my arms around Adrianne. "Oh my god, Im going to be an Aunt!" Adrianne screamed as she jumped a little and clapped her hands.

"Oh my, I have to tell Soren!" I said, grabbing my phone from the counter to call my husband.

"No!" Adrianne yelled, snatching the phone from my hand. I shot her a sceptical look.

She scoffed before continuing, "Surprise him for his birthday party tonight,"

She was a genius. Soren was out with my grandfather because we had told my granddad to keep him busy while we set up the party for him upstairs

Keeping Soren distracted had become easier over the years, especially when I was trying to surprise him.  Especially for Anniversaries and Valentine's Day.

Soren was a true romantic when it came to those things, so no matter what I planned, he always one-upped me. Last year on his birthday,  I had a sculpture made of me, it was extremely provocative and a very nude sculpture of me.

For my birthday? He bought me a Porsche.

Safe to say I couldn't outdo him until now.

I had a custom cake made for him, which was just a black velvet cake, with black and grey frosting — very fitting for Soren.

I also hired Korean Barbecue caterers for all of Soren's favourite meals. There weren't many people coming, just Soren's parents,  my grandfather,  Adrianne and Gio.

My phone dinged, it was Giovanni letting me know that he was close by. He had gone to fetch the cake. I had called the lobby downstairs to tell them to inform me when the chefs arrived.

As soon as Giovanni came upstairs to the penthouse,  we began setting up.  We had set up on the roof. We had a large gazebo installed recently so, it was the perfect place to have his birthday. 

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