chapter 13

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Helloo loveliess
I am back with another chapter
And I know you all are going to love this chapter 💕
Go ahead....

Author's pov

Currently , Abhiraj is sitting in his room checking some e-mails..
And the other side
mishti is hell nervous. Now how will she go to the room?Her devil vampire khadoos angrybird and handsome husband is also present there....

Mishti is standing outside her room wondering whether she should go inside or not.
As soon as she opened the door with great courage... she collided with someone and That someone was Abhiraj...
because of the collision Both lose their balance and fall to the floor...

Mishti was on top of Abhiraj and both of them were lost in each other's eyes. After about 10 minutes, they both came out of their dreamland due to the sound of someone clearing their throat...
Their were ansh vansh and Neha standing and smirking..
"Bhai, romance should be done on the bed with the door closed, not on the floor." Ansh said and all three started laughing
Here mishti was blushing mess....and abhiraj rubbed his neck out of embarrassment...
But then he thought to play with mishti..
"What do you want at this time guys, I was busy with my wife..why do Came to disturb our romantic moment" he said as if they had  disturbed his very very important meeting
Here mishti was looking at him with wide eyes and red face...
Trio said together "awwwwww"
And mishti became more embarrassed....
"Oh my dear bhabhi, don't blush like this " Neha said or like teasing her
"Okh, so We came here to take bhabhi with us because we are all watching a movie in the home theater.."
"Ok-No she will not come" abhiraj interrupted Mishti and said..
"But bha-I said you three go, she won't come" he again interrupted vansh and said
"I think Bhai is very romantic mood,so let's go" ansh said to vansh and Neha and they all went from their...
As soon as they all were out mishti glared him
"What was that..huhh?" She asked him
"What?....I don't want you to interact with my siblings" he said
She was feeling sad and hurt by hearing him because she treats trio like her own siblings but she masked up with fake anger and said
" I am not talking about that. Why did you say that we were romancing?"
He smirked and started walking close to her and she started taking back steps..
"We were not romancing so what were you doing Mishti, you were above me and I was below you.... tell me what we were doing.??"
He said in his damn sexiest voice and was this close to her that his lips were touching her earlobe
""she was stammering and pushed him with all her force
Looking at her state her uneven breathing and blush covered through her neck to cheeks and ears... Abhiraj smirked knowing he has a great effect on her
Mishti ran inside the closet without saying anything.
She went inside and locked the door Leaning against the door, she placed her hand on her chest and tried to calm racing heartbeat.

Mishti's pov

I was panting hard while remembering the moment we shared some minutes ago...He was just 2-3 cm away from me...
But now I am gonna ignore dare he said that I don't have any rights on his siblings....This family is mine too.
After sometime I went out and he was sleeping on the bed so I took my pillow and blanket and made my way to couch..

In the morning I woke up at 6:30am
He was not in his room, maybe in the washroom, but when I knocked the washroom door, there was no one inside.
I frowned thinking where he will be.....but I shrugged his thoughts and went inside to do my morning business...
After some time I came out all ready for the day but the scene infront of me was
Too much Drool worthy...
He was standing their in his gym outfit Sweat was dripping from his forehead and his muscles were also clearly visible...
I was checking him shamelessly until I heard "I know you can't resist me but stop staring at me like this"
But me being me ignored him royally...
I saw he frowned the way I ignored but after some good seconds he went inside the washroom...
And I went down to look after breakfast...yes  Today I got ready early so I will make breakfast.
As soon as I went to the kitchen, chachi was there telling the maid about some work.
"Good morning chachi"I wished her and she gave me a side hug
"Good morning mishti,you are early today"

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