Chapter 48

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Helloooo lovelies

Go ahead and read:)


Abhiraj's pov

"Baby do you want to eat ice-creams" I asked her pointing towards the ice-cream parlour
"Yepp.." she jumped in excitement and pecked my cheeks..
Hayee.....I love her so much
But suddenly a frown appeared on her forehead
" know generally men don't allow their women to eat ice-cream as it's cold here and I can fall ill but here you yourself are asking me for ice-cream" baby

Grabbed her waist pulling her towards me
And I pecked her lips "Don't worry Eat as much cold food as you want, I will give you my warmth at night."
I whispered huskily in her ear and her body stiffened a little. It took her seconds to realise the meaning behind my words
And as she got that her eyes turned wide and her cheeks turned into my favourite colour
Ufff...I am ready to die for this look , It's just this red on her cheeks tempt me to bite them hard
"It's not a good thing to be so shameless , Abhi"
She said Look, the girl who made me shameless is saying that being shameless is not a good thing....
"Is it shameless to romance with your wife, baby?" I asked blinking my eyes innocently

"E.. Everyone is looking at us" she said nervously looking here and there
"How but kissing each other passionately to give them a free show?"
I asked her, lifting her face by keeping my index finger on her chin..
She pushed me by my chest
"Let's eat ice-cream" she said and ran towards the ice-cream parlour.
I also followed her..

"Strawberry , Ferrero rocher and brownie with Oreo topping " she ordered her ice-creams and turned towards me
"Abhi Which ice cream will you eat?" She asked me and I narrowed my eyebrows
"You have just ordered so many ice-creams, will you get it packed and take it to India?"
I asked and she giggled
"Stupid, you don't even know that this ice-cream will turn into milk by the time it reaches India."
I rolled my eyes and that waiter was looking at my jaan weirdly. I glared him angrily as no one has right to give her that looks..
"Go and bring whatever she ordered" I said still glaring him
He nodded while gulping hard and went to bring our order
"Abhi..I won't share my ice-cream" my jaana said with a pout..
"You Don't have to share your ice-cream, just kiss me after each bite so that I can taste it from your mouth"
Okh , The thing to see for which I said this had already appeared on Mishti's cheeks i.e blush..
She didn't said anything and lowered her eye lashes out of shy baby

Our order arrived and first bite she ate from Ferrero rocher and as the bite touched her tongue she moaned making me gulp and hard

"As a good wife I am asking you do you want to taste?" She asked me innocently blinking her eyes cutely making me Aww

"I wanna taste your lips for sure" I said and winked. 
"That you had already tasted baby" she said boldly making me raise my eyebrows In amusement .
"Getting bold wifey" I said and she smirked
"effect of companionship husband" she said and I swear my mishti looks extremely hot while smirking.
After that we ate our eyes well she forcefully made me to eat them..

"Now let's go for some shopping " mishti said as soon as we stepped outside from the ice-cream parlour
"As you wish my lady" I bowed a little in front of her..
We reached at one of the best mall of Rome that is 'Euroma2'

I parked the car the car in the parking
Yes , I bought a car here so that We should be able to travel around and enjoy..

"Woww , Abhi this..This mall is so know it's my first time I have come to such a big mall"
She said and hugged me excitedly that I stumbled a little
"Cool down woman...and I promise I will complete your eacha and every wish and together we will try every new things you wished for"
I said caressing her hairs and pecked her temple

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