chapter 49

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Heyyaaa sweeties 😘

Go ahead and read :)


Author's pov

Abhiraj and mishti came out of the mall and it was the time of sunset..
"Abhi , where are you taking me??" Mishti asked Abhiraj when they both settled on their seats..
Abhiraj shook his head and said
"My lovely biwi , just wait for some time, I am Taking you to the most beautiful place of Rome"
Mishti nodded and looked out from the window enjoying the view of Rome
"Please keep this toy on the back seat" Abhiraj whined as she was holding that pooh in her lap...
Seeing that toy in her lap he was feeling nothing but jealous..
Mishti chuckled seeing him jealous with a mere soft toy...
She kept it on the back seat carefully , and held his hand..
Abhiraj brought Mishti's hand in front of his lips and kissed her knuckle lovingly...

After 20-25 minutes they both reached a place to enjoy the sunset view..

Abhiraj came out of the car and opened the door for mishti..

"Wow Abhi this...this is so mesmerizing" she said seeing the view from 'The Janiculum Hill'
It's a famous spot to enjoy the sunset with your loved ones..

No one was there as Abhiraj booked the whole place for an hour to spend some quality time with mishti..

Abhiraj back hugged her and nuzzled his nose in the crook of her neck inhaling her rose scent...
"This place is very close to my heart know I planned to propose you here tomorrow but the circumstances weren't in my favour"
He said while giving open mouth kisses on her neck.

"I...I am s..sorry Baby..ahh" Mishti moaned and hissed when he sucked her sweet spot a little harshly..
"Don't be sorry love..It was meant to happen infront of God in the church" he said licking the place to soothe the pain .

"Come.." He took her and sat on the big rock which was near the Hill

The couple held each other's hand lovingly to enjoy each other's company in silence

"You know Every Sunday, I , Mom and Dad used to sit near Marine Drive in Mumbai and enjoy the view and .Then after spending that time, father would sit me on his shoulder and we three would go to Zoo Chaupati and eat lots of Street miss them Abhi"
She said resting her head on his shoulder
This was the first time mishti was sharing something like this with him.
She always keeps smiling but only her heart knows how much she wants to go back in the past and save her parents from that accident..
Abhi cupped her face and wiped a tear which slipped from her eyes unknowingly...
"We miss those who go away from us. Your mom and dad are with you, in your heart." He said and she smiled while nodding her head which also brought a smile on his face too..

"God blessed me by introducing me to you Abhiraj ...I used to hesitate a lot in getting attached to people, thinking that maybe they all will leave me one day...but I have full faith in you You will never leave me…tell me that you will always be with me, right?"
She said , her eyes  glistening many emotions towards him...
He pecked her forehead
"Now where will I go without my jaan ,Mishti??now only deat-"
His words halted when mishti captured his lips and started kissing him roughly more like punishing him for something , she didn't even let him to kiss her back and moved away
"Never, I mean never dare to say anything about death...The day Mishti's Abhi will leave this world, that day Abhi's Mishti will also say goodbye to this world."
She said and both of them hugged each other feeling the peace with the rhythm of their Heartbeats..
The soothing rhythm of their Heartbeats were saying that they both are calm and relaxed in each other's embrace....
After spending the best time with each other they both went back to the hotel...
"Do you want to eat something?"
Abhiraj asked mishti but she shook her head
"We just ate pizza and pasta"
He nodded and entered inside the room...
"You can change, I have some work." Abhiraj and came out from the room to attend mr.saxena's call..

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