Chapter 59 (part 1)

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Heyaa bubbles 🥂

I have divided the chapter into 2 parts and the next part will come after 10-15 minutes as some editing is left 😅

Go ahead and read:)


Author's pov

A man was sitting on a swing chair and he was typing on his laptop with so much force, as if he was really angry or frustrated. It seemed like he was taking out all his anger on the keyboard..

"Sir Randhir sir is here to meet you"
Someone informed him ,making him sigh..

The man nodded and gestured him to go..
Soon Randhir Oberoi came inside his cabin

"What are you doing Abhiraj , 1 month, it's been 1 month since Mishti left this world and you are simply sitting here , you have not come home even once, you have not even said goodbye to her for the last time....Tomorrow mqq has organized a havan at home for the peace of Mishti's soul and you should come home"
Randhir informed his son who was hearing him with no interest...
Hearing about havan , Abhiraj hummed..
"I will try to come, I have an important
work tomorrow"
He replied still looking at the laptop..
Seeing his behaviour, we can say that Whatever Randhir said to Abhiraj, it did not matter to him at all.
"May I ask, what is this important work that is more important than your dead wife?"
Randhir said sarcastically while Abhiraj's jaw clenched hearing 'dead wife' from his father's mouth.
"I have to go to meet someone, it's important"
Abhiraj said and stood from his swing chair
Randhir chuckled sadly and said
"You are going to meet Tanya Mathur, right?I am doubting Abhiraj, did you ever truly love Mishti or not?"
Hearing this Abhiraj blinked his eyes which turned glossy suddenly. How can his father doubt on his love , his love was , is and will always be pure and honest...

Without saying anything Abhiraj left his cabin leaving his father alone there.
At night

Abhiraj was driving his car at full speed, while a beautiful smile was dancing on his lips.
Soon after driving for straight 3 hours he reached near a penthouse , which was looking so beautiful..
"Wherever she goes she will spread beauty only"
He said and chuckled himself..

He rang the bell and a beautiful girl wearing sky blue night gown looking ethereal , opened the door for him .
Without wasting any second he threw his arms on that girl crushing her under him

"I missed you" he mumbled snuggling his face in her long silky hairs
She chuckled while hugging him back.
"I missed you too, you know these 20 days seem like 20 years here."

"I am so sorry, Because of me you are here lik-shhh...It's not your fault, everything will be okay, hmm"
she interrupted him by keeping her palm on his lips..
Abhiraj pecked her palm and she removed it...

Then he entered the house and she closed the door..
He settled on the sofa and the girl went inside the kitchen to bring a glass of water for him..

"Where is Nia?" Abhiraj asked as he didn't found anyone there..
The girl bit her lowerlip and sat on his lap..
She kissed his neck and whispered seductively
"You were supposed to come so I sent her back"
She winked at him and he looked at her in astonishment..
Abhiraj started leaning towards her face to capture her lips but she stood from his lap and ran towards kitchen..

Seeing his grumpy face a giggle left from her mouth while she teased him by showing her tongue..

He sighed and shook his head at her childish behaviour...

Abhiraj stood and went upstairs in their room to freshen up.
After changing in a fresh pair of trousers he came down stairs and directly went in the kitchen where that girl was present...

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