Chapter 55

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Heyyaa guyss....

Go ahead and read :)


Author's pov

Mishti was stunned after seeing the photos of her and Abhiraj's on their company's  Facebook account

Those photos were not very old but were from yesterday when both of them were in the parking area.

She gulped in fear and started reading the comments which were done by the employees..

"Right from the beginning I thought that Mishti Arora had done some black magic on Abhiraj sir."
"Abhiraj Sir, is already married , This means he is cheating on his wife."
"Guys we can't judge a book by it's cover, many problems are going on in the office, Sir has rivals, maybe someone has done all this to spoil his reputation."
"Yeah I don't think Abhiraj sir would hurt his wife , don't you all remember what he did with Alia"
"But looking at them , I am damn sure something is going between them , Look how this Mishti is clinging to Abhiraj Sir."

Reading these mishti broke into sobs...
She was feeling so weak , how can people judge her like this , don't they have any shame???

With trembling hands she dialled Abhiraj's number but he wasn't picking the calls...

"Please pick up Abhi... please"
She said to herself continuously dialling his number...

Suddenly The door of the room opened and Neha and Ansh were standing there.
Seeing Mishti crying like this, Neha's eyes became moist and she quickly went and hugged Mishti.
"Shh..bhabhi , don't cry , Bhai will handle everything, hmm , please calm down"
She said consoling but mishti's mine was not in the state to think wisely.
"Ne...Neha comments...I...di.. didn't....I-" Her words died inside her throat and she started crying...
Seeing their bhabhi crying Neha's tears also started flowing while ansh blinked his eyes several times to stop the tears which were threatening to flow
"Shh bhabhi, Don't cry please, Bhai asked you to come to the office in 1 hour: Ansh bhai will take you to office,hmm"
Neha said rubbing her back to calm her down...
Mishti broke the hug and nodded.

She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and went inside the washroom...

Indeed today will be not easy for both of them...


Abhiraj's pov

This...This is impossible...

Some one released mine and Mishti's photographs on our company's Facebook account.

Around 5 am I got a call from Mr.saxena and he informed me about this blunder...
And now I understand the whole story who is behind all this scam..Well, I am still unable to find the real mastermind, but I have a suspicion as to who is betraying our company.

Currently, I had arranged a meeting with our employees as it's time to introduce my wifey to the world.
Offcourse I read that comments and I know mishti will feel hurt after reading them .

I asked Ansh to bring mishti to the office around 8:30 am .

"Bro You are sure: No, I mean how can he do this, he has been working in this office for 10 years."
Ritvik said when I told him about the man I suspect..
"I think he is behind this for money as we can't trust these peoples, maybe kshitij is helping him."
I said and he hummed.
Well I am damn sure Kshitij's hand is somewhere in all this.

"We will talk to him after this meeting till then I'll keep an eye on him...and yeah , when is mishti coming"
Ritvik asked
"In an hour"
I replied and he went back in his cabin...

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