Chapter 46

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Mishti's pov

I came running out from the pub..How can he do that?? He let her touch himself..whyyy???

Other than me no one has the right to touch my Abhi...

Now This , Mr.Abhiraj Oberoi , my husband will see my anger.
Just wait and watch mr.oberoi..

I glanced here and there to see if Abhi is coming or not but he was nowhere to be seen...

I ran towards the washroom to call someone who can help me..

"Hello...I need your help"

"Yeah..." We discussed the whole plan and I disconnected the call..

After that within 10 minutes I got an
E-mail , I opened that and smirked
Now he will get a good lesson to make me jealous...

I tiptoed outside and peeked here and there to see him but he was not there..

I took a cab and asked the cab driver to drop me to Airport..
Yess..I am going back to India...

Though it's a tough decision, to leave this city this Early but when Abhi will  come to India looking for me, I will bring him back to Rome...and anyway, he keeps showing off his it won't be a issue though..

I paid to the driver and went inside the airport..My flight is within 30 minutes and I am damn sure He won't be able to Find me here...

After 15 minutes there was an announcement , but hearing that announcement my eyes widened..

"Mrs.Mishti Abhiraj Oberoi"
there was the announcement of my name but it was interrupted by Abhi..

"Mishti..jaana I know you are here please come to me see I am please atleast tell me my mistake"
I heard his voice and rand towards the direction of announcement Cabin

"Abhi.." I said and he turned towards me and hugged me tightly
" are fine, where were you going after leaving me, why are you angry with me?" He said checking me like I am a  5 year old child who got hurt while playing..

"Abhi...I am angry" I said while stepping back..He didn't apologized to properly..huh!!

He too moved back but his next action left he awestruck..
Abhi started doing sit-ups while murmuring
"I am sorry jaana ,. please forgive me... please mishti"

How can someone love this much... tears welled up in my eyes seeing his selfless love for me..
Everyone was watching him doing sit-ups
CEO of Oberoi industries, The great Abhiraj Oberoi is doing sit-ups for me..
I wiped my tears and stopped him..

"Hey baby..shhh..did I hurt you that much , why are you crying sweetheart?" He cooed me as I hugged him and started sobbing silently
This...His love is so overwhelming for me..

"Idiot...Do you know your mistake that you are asking for forgiveness??"
I asked breaking the hug and he simply shook his head, seriously??

"So why did you start doing sit-ups like this, hmm??I asked him raising my brows..
"If my wife's anger can melt when I apologize, then I can do this much, right?" He said and warmth spread on my body...
Without saying anything I captured his lips in a kiss , but this time I tried to dominate it just like he does everytime and he let me do whatever I was doing...
"I love you so much"
"I love you too Jaan"
We said to each other after breaking the kiss..
Our moment broke hearing the voice of clapping and hootings...

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