Chapter 15

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Hellooo loveliess
Yaar can't believe 15 chapters ho gye!!!
Btw I am setting a schedule for this story....tell me which day I should select...

Twice a week or once a week....tell me in comments!!!!!
Go read ahead!!!!!!!!!!

Abhiraj's pov

I quickly left the office for home. Swear, if this girl even utters a single word at home I don't know what I will not leave her.
I reached home at full speed..
"Mishti..mishti.. where are you?.. mishti " I was really shouting her name but she was nowhere to be seen.....
But then neha said "umm...Bhai, bhabhi did not come home she went to the orphanage. She said she had some work and would come tomorrow only."
Now I understand what this girl wants to do, playing victim card... That too with Abhiraj Oberoi..I will also see how many more days she will stay there
With this thought I went inside my room to take a much needed warm shower
As all family members were out of station and Neha was alone at home So I decided to stay at home only....I informed mr.saxena to clear my schedule...
Soon it was dinner time and all family members were back home.
Now we all are sitting on dining table. Dad was also back from his trip
" Abhiraj,where is mishti ? " Dadu asked me
"She..she went to her orphanage...she has some work there " I said to him and he nodded

"Abhiraj I want to talk to you after dinner come to study " dad said

"Ya dad I also want to ask you something "
I said
And after dinner I went to his study..

"oh beta come sit" he asked me and I settled on chair
He cleared his throat and said
"Beta , Do you know, when your grandfather brought your mother's marriage proposal for me, I did not come home for 2 days because I was against my marriage.But then your grandmother explained to me that Sandhya is a very nice girl, I should try talking to her once....And look I gave us a chance , I was very happy with your mother "
He said and a proud smile was present on his face
"But dad you...."What I mean to say is that you should also talk to Mishti and see that she is a very nice girl and try to understand her. Hmm."
He again said and I am feeling sad for my family they all think she is a nice girl but only I know the reality..
I hummed and he asked me "you also wanted to say something?
"Oh yes dad, I was asking why you sent Mishti to work under that Kshitij Verma.?"
"I didn't, but what are you saying, how can Mishti work under him?" He said and was shocked that how it is possible...I have to do something
Then I explained him the whole matter and went from their
Tomorrow I have to go to pick her....I think Whatever I am thinking has to be done now...
I woke up at 6 in the morning and did my morning business....
Then I got ready to pick my dear little wifey...
(Sarcasm yrr)

As I reached at her orphanage....
Kritika called her and I directly went to hug her.....yeah , it was a fake hug. She was confused with my behaviour...
I said sorry to her which was also fake
Now we are sitting in my car way to my house

I thought this is the right time to give her one of the biggest shock
"You are going to work under me as a CS engineer as well as my PA.."
She went numb for a minute...
"Wh..what did you said?" She asked
"Can't you hear in first time, you are going to work with me"
This time she didn't replied and we reached home..
When she went inside, Neha hugged her and said "ohh, bhabhi I missed you soo much"
"I missed you all guys" she said cupping neha's face and looking towards all the family members..
"Come mishti join us on breakfast" dadi said to her but I wispered to her
"You have 10 minutes get ready we have to leave for office"
She understood that I don't want her to do breakfast with everyone..
Currently we are sitting in my cabin...
"Why are you doing this abhiraj?" She asked greeting her teeth
I know she is angry.... very much angry but do I I don't
"See , dad also wants this that I should guide you...and before you refuse think about 10 times , The future of your orphan's children is in my hands.....I donate to the school where your dear children study...I hope you are understanding my words" I said with a smirk and she was looking at me with wide eyes..
"Bu..but what.. what about Mr..Mr saxena ?" She asked
"Ohh dear,Just think about it, you have to verify the presentations of clients through those files and correct the errors of any employee's ppt, that's it."
She nodded understanding her work and I handed her some files to study....
"Where is my cabin?" She asked me and I smirked
"Work here infront of me"
"What the hell !!!!!!" she was shocked
I mentally chuckled thinking how many shocks I gave her today..
"Mishti." I said sternly and she gulped while nodded....and went to sit on the couch
I think The decision of getting her work done in my cabin was very wrong. Yrr I can't focus on my work..
She looks damn hot while working..
A little frown on her forehead and cherry on top she is biting her lips....
Uhh, My urge to free them and capture them with my lips.....
Control Mr pervert
My subconscious voice said

Soon it was lunch time and I know she is hungry..
"Go in the canteen and have your lunch"
I ordered her
But she again ignored me....uhh!!
With a heavy sigh I called a peon and ordered our lunch
I was plating our food in two plates...
"I don't want to eat " she hissed

"You need energy to deal with me." I said but she didn't moved from her place
"Listen I will count on 3 If you don't come I'll have to do it my way" I warned her..
And here she is sitting in front of me and started eating her food...
While eating she asked me
"What will the rest of the staff think as to why I am working here in your cabin?"
"None of your business " I said without looking at her
"It is...tell me what are you thinking??"
She spoke fiercely......oh my fierce dramebaaz
"No one dares to enter in my floor let alone cabin "
I replied and she maid an 'O' face
After that we ate our lunch silently but that was a comfortable silence
Now me and ritvik are sitting in a club...
As I was attending some meetings so mishti went back around 6
"So...You have become so addicted to Mishti that you are keeping her in your cabin."
He said with a teasing smirk

"It's nothing like that " I said to which he chuckled and asked
"So what's it who is not letting you go away from yourself Mishti????...huh"
"Kshitij Verma" and then I explained him whole story..
"I think kshitij and mishti are doing something together."
Yess... that's the reason I am keeping her with me in my cabin so that I could figure out what's going on in her mind.
"You are crazy Abhiraj...Why can't you see her innocent as an angel "
He said trying to fit nuts in my brain
" all are blindfolded...of her innocence, she is just playing with your emotions" I said him the reality

Without saying anything he left from there....

Now I am going back to Home...
I have decided to give her a cabin attached to mine so that I can see her anytime...... It's not like I am obsessed with her but I can't trust a gold digger like her...

As I entered inside there was a complete silence as always so I went directly to the room....
As I entered inside my room there was all darkness...maybe she slept..
And I was correct she is sleeping on couch...

I went inside washroom for a warm shower..

After coming out from washroom I saw a dinner plate with a note was on side table

I frowned and pick that note
"I know you will not eat this dinner but still I request it to eat it"
A small smile crept on my face...
And I know she made this and a man who will leave mishti's handmade food will be stupid dumbhead..
I ate my dinner and it was
The only thing I will miss after 6 months is her made food
With these thoughts I went for my sleep..

Helloo bubbliess
How was the chapter????
I know it's a short chapter but still.....isse kaam chala lo kyuki next chapter read worthy hoga😅
Btw tell me in comments that how should I update I mean once in a week or twice in a week and suggest me which day will be perfect??
And please vote krdo🙏🙏🙏

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