Chapter 24

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Hello lovelies 💓

Early update 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Go ahead and read...


Abhiraj's pov

1 week has passed and now Mishti is also absolutely fine..
Verma's company has lost its name even from the business world, but I don't know where this bastard Kshitij has hidden ... I am planning to show that video to mishti as soon as possible..
She tried to contact naman but she didn't know that he is in jail . Yes I showed that video to police and they arrested naman but they are unable to find kshitij..

Today is Sunday and in these 6 years this is the first Sunday I didn't went to office...

In this 1 week we didn't talk much but yeah I am trying my best to earn her forgiveness...

I have started craving for her after that night when she consoled me as I was having my nightmare....It was not the first time after marriage that I had a nightmare.....but When I woke up in the middle of the head was on her lap and she was sleeping in a sitting position, so I picked her up and made her sleep back on the bed...
I only gave her pain but she takes care of everyone including me...

I looked at the time and saw it was 8 in the morning and the bed was completely means Mishti woke up...
I got up and took my blanket from the couch and placed it in its place and then the bathroom door opened.

I got up and took my blanket from the couch and placed it in its place and then the bathroom door opened

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           (Her outfit)

She was looking so beautiful in that light pink saree....sarees suits her...heck everything compliments her perfectly..I soo much like to see the vermilion and nuptial chain of my name on her. It feels proud that she is mine..

"Just for 4 months 3 weeks"
My mind reminded me again....

She cleared her throat as I was checking her shamelessly and her cheeks were having a tint of pink blush...ohh I so wanted to kiss , bite and lick her cheeks...

I shrugged my unholy thoughts and wished her
"Good morning"
And she murmured a good morning with a small smile..
Then I went inside the washroom and did my morning business....
At the breakfast table daadi dadu and papa were smiling seeing me and remaining members were looking at me like I am an alien..but mishti was the only one looking normal

"What happened guys?" I asked taking my seat beside mishti
" that you or we are hallucinating??" Neha asked me with a shock expression....

" sister it's just me " I said taking the spoon of my oats and stuffed it in my mouth....delicious!!!! I love each and every dish made by mishti

"We know Bhai This magic happened only because of bhabhi, right bhabhi?" Vansh said and winked in mishti's direction...this boy got a tongue.....
I glanced at Mishti and she was looking at her plate with a shy smile

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