chapter 40

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Heyyaaa guyss🫶

Well , why didn't you all share your reviews on the previous chapter, please lemme know if I disappointed you there....🥺

Okay so.....The good news is



Mishti's pov

The way he said that he didn't did anything in lust....that means he..he loves me
"Ahh...He loves me...yaahhhh"I yelled in happiness and giggles on myself...

"Mishhuuu" aastha and pratik barged inside my cabin with happy faces...
" are happy that means you got the good news"
pratik said and I narrowed my come he knows the reason behind my happiness..
"How do you know why I am happy?" I asked him and he shook his head
"Dumbo,We must know that you are so happy because of both of us." He said and I rolled my eyes..
"I am not happy because of you so please tell me why both of you are here" I asked them and they both sat on the chairs infront of me...
"So...Aastha....and I....are getting married next month."
Pratik said and making me squirm in happiness
" congratulations" I hugged both of them then pratik called Ritvik in my cabin...

Well , After my birthday Ritvik pratik and Abhiraj are quite good friends now...

"What's up guys??" Ritvik asked us and pratik told him about their marriage which is going to happen next month...

"Congratulations bro...congratulations aastha" he congratulated both of them...

"Umm...mishti let's go we should share this news with sir too" aastha said with a little hesitation
My friends are still afraid of Abhi.... let's play with them..
I gestured Ritvik and he understood that I am going to do something..
"Yes, both of you are getting married: What will Ritvik and I do? Both of you go and give this news to Sir..."I said and horror was visible on their faces..

"Areee...he is not a vampire guys , go" I said and aastha narrowed her eyes..
"Hey, you were the one who used to call your boss i.e. your husband a vampire devil and what not..And you are saying that he is not a vampire"
she said and I was going to reply her but then we heard Abhi's voice..
"Who is calling me a vampire, aastha?" He asked and my eyes turned wide...shiittt he is going to get angry after knowing that I called him vampire and devil .
Aastha smirked and I shook my head vigorously gesturing her to keep quiet

"Sir..your dear wifey..she use to call you vampire , angrybird , devil and what not.."
She said with a proud smirk like winning a god medal..
"Is that true mishti?" Abhi asked me and I closed my eyes tightly waiting for his anger to burst on me...
But his next move made me stunned...
He grabbed my waist pulling me towards himself and said
"Well my wifey has the right to call me whatever she that vampire devil or daddy" The last word he wishpered that was only audible to me..

Such a shameless creature he is!!

I bit my lower lip in shyness while everyone started laughing except me and Abhi because we were lost in each other's eyes....
Sensing the emotions for each other...
"You know baby, if we were alone I would kiss you like crazy.."
He wishpered in my ears sending goosebumps in my whole body... suddenly I started feeling hot.

"Ahem..Ahem" we heard throat clearing voices which broke our staring eachother

"If you both are done...we are taking mishti somewhere" Ritvik said making both of us frown
"Where are you taking her?" Before I could say something Abhiraj asked him

"Pratik and aastha are giving us lunch party" he replied
"You didn't invite me pratik" Abhi said with a pout...he is such a kid....cute lovely hot sexy kid
"Aree..sir you can join us if you want" pratik said
"Hey..when we all are together, Then don't give this professional treatment" Abhi said making me smile widely
Because it's kinda awkward for both Aastha and pratik as well as for Abhi to maintain this professionalism all the time.

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