Arriving To Our Destination

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The car suddenly halted and the talking stopped. Kyu peered outside the window, their hands and breath making marks on it. Outside were three men. One guy looked pretty ordinary, with a short spiky looking beard and a determined face. He looked like the definition of a police officer. The second one is probably not even considered a man, more like a ginger cat. It reminded Kyu of dog man, and the more they think about it, the more they realize the similarities between the two. They giggled. The third one was this lanky guy with this bony body and a bad slouch. Not sure what to think of the guy, but Kyu made sure not to disregard him. That's what they learned in the mafia after all.

The car parked on the side of a bridge that seemed way longer than it should be. Kyu never really got into the barriers of Yokohama since it was a pretty taboo thing, but the one time they asked when they were younger got the PM boss smiling maniacally. Ever since then, Kyu thought it was a clandestine thing, but they knew that wasn't really true. Looking closer, even though it was not visible, there was definitely some kind of ability separating the two worlds. Kyu could sense it, and their doll rattled a little.

Kyu felt the car door open and shut as Ango went outside and pushed his glasses up his nose, Dazai following. Ango was a peculiar card, and Kyu didn't know what to think of the guy. He had betrayed the Port Mafia, yet he's such a big part of where the Port Mafia is today. Without him, the ADA wouldn't even be here. He truly was a wild card, if Kyu had to say. Ango walked up to the three people in a professional manner and stopped right at where Kyu detected the barrier was. Dazai and Ango exchanged some words that seemed like Dazai being annoying and Ango being done with it. Dazai then uncannily stalked up to the barrier and went right through it. Ah, Kyu totally forgot about his ability. Or quirk or whatever they call it.

Ango gestured for them to come out of the car. Kyu was the last one out, due to being short and always being jabbed by their razors. But they chose to put on an innocent face to go along with the plan. The officers seemed surprised to see so many children, which was weird since they knew they were gonna see them.

They just stood there for a while, which made Aya speak up. "Why is this taking so long Bram-kun?" Aya grumbled loud enough so everyone could hear. Elise yawned and Kyu giggled. That snapped the police officers out of their thoughts and they became more serious. Dazai clapped to get their attention. "Well, we better get going!" He exclaimed, the eye not covered by a bandage glimmering. "Right Chibi-kun~?"

"Why am I in this conversation!" Chuuya yelled, immediately losing his temper, causing the three men to jump. Chuuya then went through the hole in the barrier that Dazai made and waited for the rest to come while crossing his arms. Kyu went after him, and when they caught the police officers looking at them, they winked. All according to plan. These people definitely had a soft spot for children. Kenji, who was behind them, just smiled brightly and waved.

Everyone got into the police car, which was more of a truck. Kyu wasn't as lucky as the last car ride and had to sit on the floor. This was gonna take forever.


Atsushi fidgeted with his fingers. He didn't want to speak up, but he hated the silence even more. "W-well, why don't we get to know each other?" Atsushi suggested. The cat man looked up at him in the rear view mirror. "Weretiger, they're going to be too scared to do that." Akutagawa nonchalantly pointed out.

"No, I think that's a great idea," The bony guy agreed with him sweetly. "I'll start. My name is Yagi Toshinori, also known as All Might."

Kenji gasped and loudly said, "You used to be the number 1 hero! That's so cool!" Toshinori chuckled. "Why young man, why don't you go next?" He suggested.

"My name is Kenji Miyazawa! I'm 14 and I'm part of the Armed Detective Agency!" Kenji introduced, keeping his flashing smile. The officers seemed put off.

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