The League Of Villains

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Elise tapped her bejeweled fingers on the table in melody to a Musutafu song she heard about Endeavor. The lyrics were rambunctious, but the melody was memorable. Her head was leaning on the palm of her hand, and blonde hair fell on her face languidly. Aya was next to her, tucking a piece of red hair behind her ear and looking at something on her phone.

Tsukauchi walked in quickly, closing the door and running up to the children. "What in the world are you two doing here?!" He whisper-yelled. Elise inspected her nails.

"I dunno. Ask the robber. He was the one who got us in this situation." Elise said blazé.

"You're coming in contact with a pro hero! A pro hero! Do you kids know that you might get caught?! In fact, that hero is the teacher for many of your friends!" Tsukauchi grumbled, toning down his volume as Eraser was nearby. Okay, first of all, Elise was not a kid, she was probably older than Tsukauchi, but he didn't need to know that. It was also a good piece of information that Eraser was the teacher for Kyu and the others, so she kept that in mind.

When no one answered him, he groaned in defeat and put his head in his arms on the table. Eraser walked in the door and raised his eyebrows at the scene.

Tsukauchi walked out for the questioning. The questioning had been relatively normal, with nothing out of the ordinary. He only asked questions about what the robber looked like, his quirk, so on. Apparently the robber had been robbing for quite a while now and was known as the villain Volcano (for his lava powers). Didn't seem like that guy was that impressive, but eh.

Soon enough, Eraser thanked Elise and Aya for keeping Eri safe, but said to not take Eri outside of the daycare without his consent ever again (which was understandable, Elise hadn't thought about that part when they exited the daycare). Aya had sat up straight the entire time with her hands clasped together on her lap, keeping her formality up, while Elise lounged on her chair, her feet crossed on the table.

When Eraser closed the door, Aya blew a sound of relief, tucking another strand of hair behind her head. As much as Elise didn't like Aya's justice and her opinion on things, she was a brave girl and her mind was beyond her years. She was much more mature than Elise, which didn't say much, but still.

Elise liked her hair a lot. It looked like Chuuya's, but shorter and a slightly more bronze color. Elise liked braiding Chuuya's hair, maybe Aya would let her braid it one day.

Elise blinked out of her staring when she heard a light tap against something. She frowned, looking around, before she came across a window on the top part of the wall. Aya looked at her questioningly before following her gaze.

There was only a few seconds before the window crashed, glass shattering everywhere. Elise jumped out of her chair in alarm while Aya fell out of her chair from the shock. Glass shards cut both of them, and Elise winced. She subconsciously hid under the table and covered her head, squeezing her eyes shut. Elise hated loud noise. Hate, hate, hated them.

Suddenly, something huge banged into Elise's forehead and she barely had a glimpse of a blonde haired bun girl with a school outfit on before she fell into a chasm.


Elise woke up in a dimly lit room, the first thing she registers through her stupor being that her mouth was covered and her hands were tied to the back of a chair. Elise blinks but doesn't panic as PM attackers always went after Elise first. Idiots.

She lifted her head and looked around at her surroundings, her eyes calculating. Next to her was Aya, who was still fast asleep and slightly snoring. She was in some sort of old vintage bar.

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