Wonder Duo

554 18 7

Tsukauchi typed on his computer, biting his lip. Yokohama was definitely not welcoming.

He glanced back at the door to the questioning room, and to the seats beside it where the purple haired nurse was sitting. He had contacted her boss many times before, as he seemed more understanding and normal than others. He wanted to meet with him to speed up this whole process. Endeavor was already getting impatient.

The nurse's name was Yosano Akiko from what was said on the form, and seemed to be a relatively kind lady. On the drive back to Musutafu, she was the least annoying, and that said something.

The main thing about her, though, was her quirk. She had a healing quirk. Tsukauchi didn't have the exact details on how the quirk worked, but that by itself was pretty extraordinary. Healing quirks were very rare, and UA was already lucky to have Recovery Girl.

UA... Tsukauchi tapped his finger to his lip. Recovery Girl had asked Tsukauchi for an apprentice...

Never mind that, he would talk to Aizawa about it later. Right now he was looking for Yokohama. Things were more serious than before.

Before, Endeavor had asked him to research Yokohama because of the Vampire apocalypse, but it wasn't as serious as the vampires never spread into Musutafu. However, now, there were two UA students stuck there by themselves.

That was bad. Not only for the kids, but for UA's reputation itself.

Tsukauchi had to hurry. At least there would be a meeting with the ADA later that week.

Midoriya hid behind the bush, snacking on a bunch of Pringles he found in a container on the floor. Probably not the cleanest thing to do, but he was lucky to even find that.

Bakugou was next to him, peeking behind the bush.

It was already dark out, the street lights illuminating the roads and the park. Midoriya thought it weird that what was described to be such a "scary" city was so beautiful, especially with the bridge reflecting off the ocean.

The day before, Midoriya and Bakugou were on their way to school that morning, and they had gotten into a huge fight. Midoriya didn't like fighting with Kacchan, but he was making it very hard not to.

The fight ended up with Midoriya and Bakugou going the wrong way getting bunched up in a huge crowd of people, which had led them to a train station. They dumbly thought that, since there were no signs, that if they picked a random one it would lead to UA in Musutafu, but obviously that was a mistake. Now they ended up in Yokohama, the crime city, the next day.

No one wanted to go into Yokohama, and Yokohama didn't want anyone to. They even made agreements and laws on how outsiders were prohibited from entering the city.

The first thing the two noticed about the city was that everything was a little... off. Izuku couldn't place his finger on it at first, but watching all these ordinary people walk by in groups gave him his realization.

There were no physical quirks.

There were always physical quirks on the streets of Musutafu, probably even more than normal quirks. For there to be no physical quirks in the city, well, that was unusual. But then again, they knew nothing of the city anyway.

Izuku almost thought they didn't have any quirks at all, which was ridiculous, of course they have quirks. But the people reminded Midoriya of his own quirkless self in the past, except there was one major difference. They were a lot more happy and at ease than him.

Midoriya didn't know what to think about that. This was Yokohama, they weren't supposed to look happy...

There was another thing. There were no heroes saving the day or villains robbing a bank. Midoriya never really thought about Yokohama heroes and villains, but now that he did, he couldn't recall even one. That concerned Midoriya. He knew the Hero Commision covered up many cases but... would they really lie about something like this? No quirks? Or maybe they didn't know in the first place...

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