Back To School

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When we arrived back at the place where I found the kids, the tent they stayed in was burned down. Their mother sat on the ground with her arms around her knees as she cried. When she saw us walk up, she jumped on her feet and the tears ran more freely. She hugged her kids tight, and the father came running down the field as he saw their family together again. The parents kept thanking me, for saving her children. I just smiled at her as tears filled my own eyes as I watched the loving reunion. Cedric pulled me close with his arm around my waist and I rested my head on his chest.

When we arrived back at the tent, Amos fell in his son's arms, and I gave them a moment together as I went to pack our things. But Amos didn't forget about me and hugged me the moment they stepped inside the tent. We packed the tent up quickly and Amos just apparated us home from the spot. Olive was beside herself as she paced the kitchen waiting for news. She had received a Patronus from Amos a few hours ago, telling her about the attack and that the kids were in hiding. After Olive made sure we were okay, she ushered the three of us to bed.

Cedric and I crashed on our beds, still with our dirty clothes on. But I couldn't find sleep as easily as I thought. The screams, the hooded figures, the fires all flashed before my eyes.

"Ced?" I whispered in the quiet room.


"Can I sleep with you?"

"Sure." His voice squeaked a bit.

I climbed out of my bed and walked over to Cedric, who held up the blanket for me so I could climb in. I put my back to Cedric, and he hesitantly put his arm around my waist before pulling me close, flush against his body. His breath tickled my ear, and I was glad the room was dark because I knew I couldn't hide this blush, that crept on my cheeks.

"Good night." Cedric whispered in my ear, which send a shiver down my spine.

"Night." I whispered back, giving his hand on my waist a squeeze.

"I love you." Cedric kissed the back of my head, but I didn't hear him, I was already a goner. The moment Cedric had his arms around me, I felt safe, complete and dozed off right away.

It was a week later since the attack and a week before school started. Cedric was sitting against the tree, reading a book while I laid down on his lap reading a letter the twins send to me, asking if we were okay. We didn't mention the kiss, or the things we said at the world cup, we just went back to normal, aside from the obvious flirting between us.

Cedric put down his book and stroked my hair. "Who's it from?"

"Oh." I put the letter against my chest. "The twins." I felt Cedric tense when I said that, and I knew that would happen, his hand stopped moving. "They are asking if we got home okay, since they didn't see us after we brought the kids back to their parents."

"Oh, okay." He relaxed back against the tree and resumed running his hand through my hair.

"Uhm, Ced?" Cedric hummed in a way to let me know he was listening. I looked up at him, he was resting his head against the tree, eyes closed, a small smile on his lips. "What's up with your dad?"

His eyes opened and looked at me with a frown. "What do you mean?"

I bit my lip, trying to supress a laugh as I glanced at the backdoor of the house. Cedric followed my gaze and saw his dad poking his head in and out the door.

"Is he spying on us?"

"No." Cedric gasped slightly. "It must be something else... DAD!

Amos poked his head out the door again and looked at the pair surprised. Cedric beckoned him over and he walked over, looking a bit nervous.

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