You Promised

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I cried as I fell down next to him, not hearing anything or anyone around me. His eyes were only halfway open, and I didn't dare to look lower that his beautiful head that was still without a scratch. I placed his hand against my stomach. ""You promised me we would do this together! You promised we would have a full life together! You promised!" I cried out as I fell on his chest, my tears wetting his shirt.

"I'll always be here with you. The both of you. I love you, Winnie. Always have, always will." He said with the last strength he had, before his eyes fluttered shut.

"I love you." My voice shook as I noticed his erratic breathing stopped. I cried uncontrollably and I felt hands on my shoulders trying to guide me away from him. The magic pulsed again, and a barrier, just like years before, protected us from everything. "Don't leave me." I cried. "Don't-" The magic was strong, but I felt myself weaken. A crack in the barrier, and I heard someone cry out.

"She's pregnant! She's pregnant! If she keeps up the forcefield much longer, she could lose the baby, we could lose them both!"

From my place on Cedric's still chest, I saw a redhead appear, but it wasn't Fred or Charlie but George. He had tears in his eyes and his lips moved without a sound. "NO!" I cried out. The magic pulsed one last time pushing everyone around the barrier to the ground, before everything turned black.

George had just appeared when Gwen kneeled down next to Cedric. He stopped in his tracks as the girl with stark white hair cried into Cedric's chest. He couldn't hear what she said to him, but he did notice when Cedric breathed out his last breath. George stepped towards her without thinking, he grabbed her shoulders lightly trying to get her away from Cedric's body. Then a barrier pushed him back, his hands slipped from his shoulders as he called out for her. But she didn't react, she just laid crying on her husband's chest. He looked around frantically. Fred, Charlie and Bash all pounded on the barrier trying to break in, while Percy had a concentrated look as he pointed his wand at the barrier.

"We need to get her out!" Bash cried. "The barrier, it's weakening her!"

Then George heard Voldemort's voice ringing in his ears. His eyes flew to Fred, who seemed to hear the same thing. Everyone around them frowned at the voice inside their heads. His head snapped back to Guinevere, but she didn't seem to hear him. But maybe that was for the best. When the voice stopped ringing in his head, Charlie shouted something that made his heart stop for second, his mouth dropped slightly open.

"She's pregnant! She's pregnant! If she keeps up the forcefield much longer, she could lose the baby, we could lose them both!"

"Wh-what?" George whispered, his eyes found Fred, and his stomach plummeted with the look he gave him. A look that said, he knew about the pregnancy. He looked away from his twin angry, and when he looked down, he saw the barrier crack. He fell to his knees next to her. "Guinevere! Please, let me in." He pleaded; he didn't even notice the tears that formed.

He didn't hear her response but the way her mouth moved; he knew what she shouted back. Then suddenly he fell backwards, he hit his head against the wall. He looked around and saw his brothers and Bash flat on their backs a few meters away, but they all seemed unharmed. He looked back to Guinevere and Cedric. Her eyes were closed, and he feared the worst. But then he saw her chest move slightly. She had fell unconscious on Cedric's chest. He pushed himself off the wall and scrambled over to her. The others were clambering back up too, but he was the first one there. He paused to look at Cedric, the loss of one of his friends hit him like a bludger, but he didn't have time to grieve right now, he needed to get Guinevere and the baby help. He picked her up, carrying her in his arms. He looked over to Percy, he nodded when he stepped by. Percy let a blanket cover Cedric, before levitating him to the great hall. Fred, Charlie and Bash were next to him in an instant.

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