The Ministry Has Fallen

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The ceremony was beautiful, and the party was now in full swing. I nearly cackled when I saw Harry's disguise, the red curly hair. But now I was pouting, I knew I was. Everyone in front of me was dancing, and I was stuck to a damn chair. Cedric was twirling Molly around and Bash and Charlie were dancing in the corner. I sighed as I turned the glass of water in my hand. I'm stuck on a chair, drinking water because of the pain potions, and watching everyone dance and laugh around me.

"Why so gloomy?" I looked up to see George as he lowered himself on the chair next to me.

"I think you know." I let my glass drop on the table with a thump. "I'm bored." A whine broke out, and George chuckled.

"Well, I think your strong enough for a dance, if you'll have me." He gave me one of his charming lopsided smiles like he used to as he held out his hand. I smiled as I let my hand fall in his. He pulled me up slowly, his eyes searched for any sign of pain. "You good?"

"Yeah." I chuckled. "I'm not a porcelain doll, George."

He squeezed my hand as his eyes traced my face. "Let's dance then, but -"

"If it gets too much, I'll let you know." I offered him a smile and we walked over to the dance floor.

One hand on the small of my back, the other in my hand as we slowly danced. Moving slower than the beat of the music, but I didn't mind. I could feel a little tinge of pain already and masked it so no one would notice.

"Tell me if it's too hard, you're already getting some worried glances." George whispered. I looked around the tent, and just like George said, people were looking at us with a worried look. Charlie and Bash were still dancing, but they glanced my way almost every other second. Bill and Fleur who had taken a seat at their table were looking at us with a worried frown. Then there is Cedric, he was leaning against the tent as he twirled his wand between his fingers, his eyes full of fear. My gaze was so fixed on my husband, I didn't see George signalling him.

"Huh." I said as I looked back at the ginger, who turned back to look at me. His ear still bandaged up. "We're curse buddies now."

"You know... that wasn't really a thing I wanted to have in common with you." He chuckled dryly.

"No, I guess you're right." I pursed my lips. "But here we are." I said with a shrug. "Does it hurt?" I asked as I glanced at the bandaged side of his head.

"No." He shook his head. "But it's completely gone, and I'm not sure I'm ready to see the gaping hole every day."

"You'll learn to live with it. You're still as handsome as before, and besides you're one of the famous Weasley twins, you could find a way to replace it."

"Hm." George hummed as he thought it over. "Maybe, but for now, there is someone who, finally, wants to dance with you."

George stepped aside, letting my hand go as Cedric stepped up next to him. "Can I have this dance, love?"

"Thought you'd never ask." I smiled broadly. I looked over my shoulder, to George who was making his way to the bar. "Thank you, George." He shot me a wink and I turned back to my husband.

He circled his arms around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his torso, not able to bring them higher. I hummed happily as I rested my head against his chest, swaying slowly.

"I'm sorry." Cedric murmured in my hair. "I should have asked you earlier, but I was afr-"

"I know." I answered, not looking up. My fingers traced small patterns of his back. "It's okay, we'll have plenty of time to dance later. Because you know... Till death do us part." My chuckle was dry and got caught in my throat.

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