Shell's Cottage

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"My condition isn't what it's used to be." Lee said, breathing heavily as he stumbled back to the table. CJ was still racing around the playground. "Damn, how can you keep up with him?" He collapsed next to me.

I grinned at him and handed him his drink. "It takes practice."

Lee drank his entire glass empty and put it down on the table with a little thud. "I'm sorry about last week."

I took in a deep breath. "I understand. It must be quite the shock seeing me there, after all this time." Not telling him how hard the encounter was for me. "You know I came to the shop a while back."

"You did?" The look of surprise made me snicker and I nodded.

"I came in disguise. You even flirted with me." I couldn't stop the laughter now. "That was so fucking weird."

Lee looked embarrassed as he fidgeted with his fingers. "Oh, Godric." He chuckled. I told him what happened and how I ran out of there in a panic. "You know Fred felt really bad for just walking away."

I nodded slowly as my eyes followed my son. I didn't know how to response to that. I felt his eyes on me, and without looking at him I asked. "What about George?"

"He didn't really talk to me about it. Fred probably talked to him, but seeing as we didn't know the whole story..."

"It's not like any of you stuck around long enough to hear it." I tried to keep my voice even but failed. Lee took his hand in mine softly.

"I know, I'm s-"

"No, please don't apologise again." I smiled softly and squeezed his hand. "I understand if they're mad. That they don't want to talk to me or have anything to do with me. I'm the one who left."

"They'll come around. Fred is already there."

"I don't think so." I shook my head. "Otherwise, I would've heard something, anything by now."

Lee was about to reply when my phone went off. I took it out of my purse and flipped it open. A smile appeared on my lips as I read the text message.


Harry just told me you're back. I can't wait to see you and CJ. I've missed you!
I know seeing the gang is probably too much, but please come over to the cottage. We can catch up.

Just let me know.

Love, Fleur

Lee respected my privacy and leaned away as I replied to her text. Telling her I would love to meet up. I stuffed my phone back in my purse and glanced at my watch.

"We should be going. I need to go shopping for dinner."

"Can I ask you one more thing before you leave?"

"Sure." I said, and I had a feeling I knew what he was about to ask.

"At the karaoke bar." He started slowly and I was proven correctly. "You and Harry kissed."

"We did." I said evasive, hiding a smirk. It turned fully to Lee. "It was a spur of a moment thing. It was just good fun; we are both single and slightly tipsy that night."

"Did something else happen between you?"

"No." I shook my head. "Just the one kiss. Harry and I are great friends, nothing more."

"Have you had someone after..."

"One relationship for about six months. Even when I was finally ready to move on, it wasn't easy with travelling around the world. It isn't easy if you're a single mum." CJ came running up with a beaming smile. "Ready to get going, sweetie?"

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